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Hi everybody, I'm lisa and am glad to be here. I often thought being childfree was even more difficult than being a non-believer.I've been judged and have had to field far more questions about being childfree than being free from religion. I don't regret my decision, and as a matter of fact, I think it's the best choice I made with my life.

Kojaksmom 8 May 6
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Enjoy being online again!

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Yep, there are lots of judgmental people out there - if you are not married with a family, if you are not a church member, there are lots of self appointed Judges who will make nasty comments. Wish they would get a life.

SKH78 Level 8 May 12, 2018

Welcome! Yes. We definitely aren't "the norm", even though I see so many people complain about their "little blessings". It's kind of crazy that at 30 we still aren't old enough (usually) to decide we DON'T want kids, so most Drs refuse sterilization (which CAN be reversed), but 19 is old enough (and praised) for having a kid....

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Posted by MacStrikerWhen being selfish is better than being selfless...

Posted by MacStriker"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart."

Posted by MacStrikerWhen people with kids say "they are an investment!" (as if it's a positive thing), this is what comes to mind...

Posted by MacStrikerA book club that only allows ONE book, seems kinda narrow...

Posted by MacStrikerKids = Party Poopers (literally)

Posted by MacStrikerNone is better than one!

Posted by MacStrikerThose Ungrateful Crotch-Goblins!

Posted by MacStrikerI'm not saying it's right, but i understand the sentiments of the reply...

Posted by MacStriker"... it's a peaceful life..."

Posted by JGalA little late but still applies every day.

Posted by MacStrikerAll the crotch goblins giving a breather to their breeders for most of the day. SerenityNow!

Posted by UrsiMajorWell, I guess this beats a pregnancy positive.

Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

Posted by Tejas0123456789

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