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My mistake...I started another childfree group you beat me to it.
I'll delete the other...better to have everyone together...

Let's talk indoctrination...... I'm fascinated by the differences between those that convince their children to follow and how and why(fear based)? Annnnd those that use the same fear and those of us that shrug and say bullshit or run in the opposite direction.
How old were you all when you knew it was all nonsense? I seriously think I was 3 or 4. I just always wondered what the hell they were all talk thing about like zombies.
Do you think it's the type of abuse or severity (I think indoctrination is a surely abuse)... Or do you think it's more about brain iq or ability to reason?

JessicaBeZazzle 5 May 13
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I can't remember at what age. It really kicked in once I started having sex! I feared getting pregnant worse than death. That should have told me something right there. I turned out to be one of the most child hating people that I know. I've never been convinced that there is life after birth.

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 17, 2018

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Posted by MacStrikerWhen being selfish is better than being selfless...

Posted by MacStriker"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart."

Posted by MacStrikerWhen people with kids say "they are an investment!" (as if it's a positive thing), this is what comes to mind...

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Posted by MacStrikerNone is better than one!

Posted by MacStrikerThose Ungrateful Crotch-Goblins!

Posted by MacStrikerI'm not saying it's right, but i understand the sentiments of the reply...

Posted by MacStriker"... it's a peaceful life..."

Posted by JGalA little late but still applies every day.

Posted by MacStrikerAll the crotch goblins giving a breather to their breeders for most of the day. SerenityNow!

Posted by UrsiMajorWell, I guess this beats a pregnancy positive.

Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

Posted by Tejas0123456789

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