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I joined this group because I'm a liberal who can't stand sjws. They tend to be the pushers of identity politics and political correctness. How many of you have similar sentiments?

MrControversy 7 Mar 27
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I view the rise of SJWs as extremely positive - they promote anti-racism, cultural inclusivity, feminism, gay rights, trans rights, environmental good sense and liberal ethics, and they stand up and argue their case. Bring it on; I hope they'll succeed in making the world a better place.

I don't have an issue with political correctness, either - it simply means to avoid insulting or marginalising other groups, which sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

As for denying people with opposing views a platfrom, for example preventing speakers giving talks on college campuses, it all depends on the speaker. If they support freedom of speech, let them speak. If they're fascist, they don't support freedom of speech and most certainly would not allow opposing points of view to be made in public if they had any power, so they forego their right to it.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 27, 2018

I've been called a snowflake and my reply is "when we get pissed and hang together those are called blizzards and can change lives, and baby a blizzard is coming." Generally I'm not in favor of pejorative terms, when it is used I have the feeling you're not listening to what I have to say and are judging me based on your shortcomings. I think we need more Social Justice Warriors, why the hell would that be a bad thing?

So far no one has approved the snowflake post, above. I did not because it is an ad hominem attack.

@EdEarl how so? You can always flag it if you want

@btroje some feel sjw is a pejorative term, and snowflake certainly is. Among people who fight for social justice are many differences. It is bigoted to say I hate Whites or any other group of people including sjws. I don't approve of bigotry, and will not help someone who is bigoted.

@EdEarl so are you talking about the post that started this thread or the one by Hippie Chick?

I really like the blizzard.

@EdEarl I found the "ALL SJWs are....." comment extremely ignorant. Almost as bad as the OP who says he cannot stand essentially the majority of the people in this community.

My motto here at is that my life is too short to entertain rude fools for ANY amount of time. Therefore, after I read the profile of the "ALL SJWs are......" guy, I read his profile, saw when he joined, made an evaluation about whether I would miss him if he were gone, and then blocked him. Poof! Gone.

And, now I'm back to the regularly-scheduled programming.

@btroje Sorry for the confusion, I'm saying calling someone a sjw with or without snowflake is bigoted. Revision.
Talking about the term is OK, but people in the discussion need to be careful to keep to the issues and not make it personal. Moreover, using the word HATE is suggestive of bigotry because it is such a strong word.

@BlueWave You have the right, but someone needs to educate the ignorant.

@EdEarl I am following now. agreed

@EdEarl I happily cede that chore to you, Ed. Enjoy! 🙂

@BlueWave citizens in a democracy must act against injustice

@BlueWave I second both motions. I think ignoring this post can be just as effective or more so than dozens of members disagreeing with the sentiments expressed by the poster. This type of post is done with the intention of provoking a reaction, and nothing any member writes is going to change this poster's opinion.

This will be my first block! A milestone 🙂

@PappyOnWings First, exactly and precisely. Next, LOL! Congrats! You won't miss him. 🙂

@jorj You are part of the deep seated problem that sustains all of the "isms" many of us seek to dismantle. I found you another newspaper article...

@jorj There are several people on this thread that consider themselves to be social justice warriors. Did you ask them if they hated white men? Did you ask them if they felt superior to white men because whiteness and maleness are inferior to their race and gender? I suspect their answers will not support your claims.

@jorj So, that's clearly a no, then. Thought so.

@jorj You can bring up what ever issue you want. It is not my responsibility to championion them. I can choose to or not as my ethics dictate. As a feminist, I choose to elevate women, hopefully (eventually) to the same level of power and opportunity that men currently have. Where in that statement do you get that feminists are covering up male issues? Do you honestly think men are socially, economically and politically disadvantaged in this country?

@jorj The equality of outcome argument that you are attempting to use is only relevant when all significant barriers to opportunity are absent. Which they clearly are not in the case of gender.

@jorj yes, intersectionality exists. But the white, Christian, heterosexual, cis-gendered male takes pride of place in our society.

@jorj Racial, ethnic and gender stratification determines socioeconomic status. Cannot have one without the other. Nice try though.

@jorj There is so much really good research out here about race, ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic ststus. You should try reading it. Or you could continue to claim they are unrelated...

@jorj Want me to find your binky for you?


If by "SJW" you mean the sort of progressive liberal who insists on rigid ideological adherence to a dizzyingly long list of unrelated policy positions, refuses to accept any compromise on any of them and responds with bitterness and anger to the existence of Democrats who have different opinions on a handful of issues, and makes statements like "Hillary Clinton is exactly the same as Donald Trump," and "Medicare for all is a good way to make sure we NEVER get to single payer," then yes, that sort of person annoys me too. Politics is about compromise, it takes a coalition of different kinds of people to win, and incremental improvement is both what is possible and preferable to the status quo.

If by "SJW" you mean the sort of person who says "African-Americans should have the same right to vote with real political effect as whites, and not get shot to death by the police while standing in their own damn back yards," or the sort of person who says "There isn't a good reason at all to exclude trans people from serving in the military," or the sort of person who says "Women get to decide what they do with their own bodies, not legislators," or the sort of person who says "Maybe it really isn't a good idea to sell AR-15's with bump stocks to 18-year-olds over the counter with no background checks," then, no, those sorts of people are quite welcome in my political sphere.

A great reply.



I agree with the sentiments already expressed in answer to you. If you don't like what SJWs stand for, how can you call yourself a liberal? My impression is that they are fighting for broad-based equality and freedom from various sorts of oppression. Political correctness seems to me to be a derogatory name given to courtesy and thinking about other people's feelings. Why are you looking for other people who think like you? I'd rather meet people who have views that are different from mine. It's never too late to learn.

CeliaVL Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

his name is Mr COntroversy. Maybe the post is related to that

@jorj I think that is a bit sweeping.It may be that some of their number behave like that but surely not all? What about the people on this site? We are talking to you and considering your opinion with the same courtesy we would accord to anyone else. While you may have come across some individuals who behaved in a way you didn't like, won't you let the rest of us try to convince you that we want justice and equality for all, including white males?

@jorj It is sad that some people are not prepared to discuss topics on a rational level. I really dislike name-calling, too. But I still think you are being too sweeping. There may well be people on this site who need to learn tolerance and develop the ability to discuss issues rather than just shouting at each other, but I am sure there are plenty of others who are happy to discuss issues with you in a courteous and open manner.

@jorj Redneck and hillbilly are classist, not racist. Minor clarification.

@jorj It may mean you are racist, or dabbling in some form of sectarian bigotry, sure. It depends on what you said, of course.

@jorj Um no, there are definitions for racism and bigotry. I promise you I didn't write them. Want me to find them for you?

@jorj wonder why "broad, chic, bitch, hoe" were the only examples you gave. Makes me wonder about you and your views of women.


What are sjws? Don't forget there are some aliens on this site!

CeliaVL Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

SJW is Social Justice Warrior. Not sure about the S at the end.

SJW people promote horrible progressive views [] such as feminism and civil rights.

@BufftonBeotch( funny name, btw) are you being facitious?

Big brother is probably watching, too.


no offense to you, sir/fella- i'm reading this and i can't help but think- "if he wants to know how many of us have similar sentiments"...--does he not care about the dissenting sentiments? PC, no? made me giggle. i'm guessing you didn't meant that- i'm just a bored smartass. BTW- what does sjws stand for???

nightowl Level 6 Mar 27, 2018

social justice warrior


@jorj right. in and of itself, i could care less..but, juxtoposed with PC comment and i had to laugh...

@BlueWave so, what is a social justice warrior-it's so disappointing to learn that folks getting together (fucking necessary) and addressing shit at a grassroot levels or better, if possible, had been given some snarky, hip label...people can be so lazy...

@nightowl My only input is that the s at the end makes the word plural.


I guess one is either a A Social Justice Warrior or a Social Injustice Warrior. No bigger snowflakes than my fellow white males, who are so sensitive to people addressing the issue of our privilege. Take a damn look at the photos of the great majority of the leaders in our country. Notice a trend?

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 27, 2018

Well put.

@jorj just like money perpetuates money, power perpetuates power. Also, not saying women haven't been their own worse enemies. And minorities, well they have been minorities and also subject to voter suppression. You have to admit it takes money to run for office these days

I agree that white male privilege is an important issue, but we need to call it that and be ready to explain what we mean, rather than lumping people together as 'rednecks' and the like. If this site is here to give support to atheists and agnostics we should be as inclusive as possible, not just speak to the well-educated or people who already share our views.

@jorj Can you give me any examples of issues where this happens? Otherwise it is hard for me to get a clear idea of what you don't like about liberals.


I always thought liberal and social justice warrior were somewhat synonymous.

btroje Level 9 Mar 27, 2018

Check your privilege. As an unmarried mixed-race woman, without SJWs of the past, a male cousin would have to hold my property and accounts, could marry me to himself or anyone he wanted to increase his access to wealth, sell me as a slave, and I certainly wouldn't have the right to vote. And this is all under laws that have only been overturned in the past two centuries.

@jorj, Domestic violence and murder. Women are much more likely to be abused or MURDERED by a partner.

Rape. I've had a couple cousins who were raped and murdered. I'm a rape survivor.

There are only HUNDREDS of examples of either that would show up on a cursory Google search.

@jorj, yes, some women do it to. But the degree of physical damage and chances of being killed by a woman are significantly lower. So stop trying to pull the "all abuse matters" blanket over the problem.

@jorj, the fact remains that serious bodily harm and death are much more likely in male on female abuse.


I laugh at the irony of snowflakes complaining about snowflakes.

Instead of complaining about people being offended, why not address their complaints directly with a counter argument on why they shouldn't be offended?

What I mean is, to actually consider why they are offended and post arguments on why they shouldn't be offended.

Instead of simply complaining about being offended by someone being offended.

SamKerry Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

Also a great reply.

@jorj Yeah, that's unfortunate if you are blocked or your comments flagged when they are respectful, not abusive, uses no labels, presents a different point of view that is both within topic and is not a logical fallacy ( and the data presented is from reputable sources (i.e. can be found in both sides of the political divide - which means the data is raw rather than "beautified" to suit a narrative).

Knowing logical fallacies is important. Otherwise, discussions becomes about the reasoning behind the claim rather than the main topic of the discussion. Admittedly, in one of our discussions, I presented some "false cause" logical fallacies. But I did it only to show you that your original cause-and-effect argument WAS a "false cause fallacy". I don't know if using one logical fallacy claim to explain that another claim could be the same logical fallacy is against the rules of debating or not. I'm no debater. :/

@jorj Ahh yeah, that's when I call for an "agree to disagree" truce. When data conflicts with each other, they basically cancel each other out also.


Liberal trump-hater. And Social Justice Warrior as well I guess.


Any position can be taken to unhealthy extremes. When people who identify as liberals or progressives won’t allow an opposing view to be expressed on their campus or in their town, they have lost touch with the principles they claim to support. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem particularly wise to me, when looking for a pejorative with which to smear those people, to choose a phrase that could be seen, by some, to smear the entirety of the progressive movement. The conservative demeaning of social justice does not need the assistance of liberals of any stripe. In any case, more progress is made by respectfully sharing facts than by name-calling. The minute you can’t stand “X” (those people) you’re doing identity politics.

skado Level 9 Mar 27, 2018

Liberal. SJWs. Political correctness. Racism. Fascism. Neo-cons. Snowflakes. Patriots. Traitors.

Labels, one and all. Useful shorthand in a world where we drown everyday in more information than humanity has every had access to - so much so that we fall back on these empty labels and categories. It's easier that way. It's how we cope. That, and sharing cat videos on YouTube, FFS.

I loathe labels. They are lazy. You just apply your sticky label to that box and FedEx it into the echo chamber of the internet.

A mob is a mob, I get that - that's how humanity rolls. We've had a lot of practice at it. But when you can talk one on one with someone, that's where you can get somewhere in understanding where they are coming from. My golden rule - shut up and listen. Forget the labels. Just listen.



I'm open to listening to and agreeing with anyone.

I think one of the big reasons for people in the US holding their political beliefs and getting angry with others, is that the terminology makes zero sense.

McIntyre Level 6 Mar 27, 2018

plural noun: SJWs
short for social justice warrior.
"there will be an uproar from SJWs"
You don't like them? Don't join them?

Spinliesel Level 9 Mar 27, 2018

The SJW's I can't stand (both right wing and left wing) are the ones who claim to be all about equality and freedom of expression... so long as it fits exactly in to their idea of what equality and freedom of expression imply:

  • The right wing SJW who claims to be all about "protecting unborn babies", but couldn't give less of a shit about a kid once they pop out of a vagina.
  • The left wing SJW who is all about "staying out of people's personal lives", but throws a shit fit and wants to cry discrimination when some backward ass, homophobic, fuck wad, ignoramous, deeply closeted fag of a hillbilly exercises their perfectly legal right to deny a homosexual access to their property.
  • The right OR left wing SJW who is all about "states rights", but suddenly wants to tell a state which has elected by voter approval to legalize something (marijuana/ gambling/ prostitution/ gun ownership) that the federal gub'ment is gonna step in and put a stop to it.

The list goes on and on. So many SJW's to hate. So little time.

webbew1 Level 7 Mar 27, 2018


Personal property would entail any part of an individuals land holdings or posessions which they can legally claim outright ownership of through either financial purchase or inheritence and is not utilized for publically executed discourse, business or trade.

@ jorj...

I won't believe that those type of people make up the largest majority of the US (or world) populace. I can't. Because if that is true, then we are headed towards a dark ages like none seen since the decline of the Roman Empire.

I have to believe that what is happening now is just a small blip on the radar and that education and reason will soon assert themselves again. To believe otherwise is not even fathomable.

Tell that to a paranoid hillbilly with a shot gun. They think that every single homosexual on the planet is trying to break in to their house and bugger them in the ass.


All Liberals are SJW snowflakes, come parts of the package. Speaking as someone who is from a centre viewpoint,. .


I think I know what you're referring to...what comes to mind is some of the leaders of the Women's March who seem self-serving but can you clarify? I didn't know this had a name and I do have similar sentiments if true.

crazycurlz Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

@jorj I will check it out. Thanks for responding jorj


I echo your sentiment on that one.


So what is the deal here? Hillary haters? Bernie supporters? Nobody, Fringe groups or Independent supporters?

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

SJW? what is that?

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

It basically stands for social justice warrior and at first glance you might think it's a compliment but it's not. On the internet it's a sarcastic expression to describe people who give REAL social justice a bad name. People whose intentions might be good but who do stupid shit and act like huge hypocrites in the name of social justice. It's not hard to be a liberal and NOT be a stupid idiot like one of these SJWs. The whole point is that they misrepresent the left and provide fodder for the rightwingers. They are a problem that the left has and the left doesn't want to acknowledge it. And that's a pity. Because the left has the majority of the good ideas.


Thanks...never heard of SJW before...

Wageslave Level 4 Mar 27, 2018
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