Anti-Democrat Party Liberals

A place for liberals who arent part of the new wave of "liberalism" that is pushed by the corrupt Democrat party that only focuses on identity politics while passing right wing oligarchic style policy at all turns.

A place for liberals who arent part of the new wave of "liberalism" that is pushed by the corrupt Democrat party that only focuses on identity politics while passing right wing oligarchic style policy at all turns.

Most Commented Posts By Piece2YourPuzzle (14) (Page 3 / 5) Posts by anyone

Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 24, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Snickers77
It's easy to be against Trump, but what do you stand for? I support progressive candidates because I am sick and tired of voting the lesser of evils -- it still equals evil. We don't owe them our vote unless they come for it with progressive ...
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 26, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by MissaDixon
Oh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Aug 6, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Snickers77
Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Nov 30, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
Trying to overthrow Assad and Syria has been happening since at least about 2011 under Obama, and so has the U.S. government demonizing Russia (besides the whole cold war and McCarthyism in the 50s). So why can't people see this without connecting ...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
Dec 28, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
New Knowledge CEO attempts to capitalize on the RussiaGate chaos of social media disinformation and gets suspended from Facebook for running a fake election interference operation. New Knowledge even admitted it. Mainstream media ...
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jan 24, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by mykhael
Glad to find this group here.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 19, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
Robert Mueller Did Not Merely Reject the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theories. He Obliterated Them. Beyond BuzzFeed: The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jun 26, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by PBuck0145
Nigel Farage is the leader of the Brexit party in Britain.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Aug 3, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by PBuck0145
Free the Palestinians from perpetual refugee status.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Aug 16, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Bobbyzen
This is the real reason Rashida Tlaib was denied entry to the West Bank: The world would be exposed to the day-to-day misery of Palestinians living under the Israeli Occupation. Shame on Democrats for not standing up unconditionally against this ...
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Sep 20, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by PBuck0145
Candace Owens Blunt Testimony on Racehttps:
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Dec 5, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by William_Mary
Attacking The Source: The Establishment Loyalist’s Favorite Online Tactic You find yourself going back and forth with one of those high-confidence, low-information establishment types who’s promulgating a dubious mainstream narrative, whether ...
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 8, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Jetty
LINKWorth a watch - Pushing Back on Grievance Studies with Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying - YouTube
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by PBuck0145
Regressive leftism has hijacked the liberal agenda. Classical liberals who support individual liberty are now demonized as being right-wing.https:
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jun 13, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by PBuck0145
The Democrats continue to shoot themselves in the foot.
1 comment
Shared from Politics
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by DavidDuhon
Every time you see a survey, a poll, we need your input now, you have been selected, you must act by midnight--remember that it is basically a lie, they just want your contact info for fund raising and your input will have zero effect on any outcome....
1 comment
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by RoboGraham
Some of you will get a laugh out of this.
1 comment
Oct 3, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by Larry68Feminist
Flag worship is like crucifix worship. Racist white xians declare their rights to own slaves since 1776 under the FLAG ........ MILLIONS of kidnapped raped Africans died in bondage until 1865 and thereafter as prisoners and terrorized victims in ...
1 comment
Mar 5, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Let's create a good onus here, which I will spell out plainly: I think it's a really good idea for us to reach out to our local Congressman or whoever is the designated state shot-caller via e-mail or personally delivered letter, with the contents ...
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Mar 4, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by sadoslim
Anyone familiar with the
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Mar 25, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by NothinnXpreVails
Clip from Bill Burr’s podcast, parallels my ideas pretty well.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 3, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by William_Mary
I started a group for independent news sources. If you're interested in getting some news outside of the MSM feel free to join. I'll do my best to keep fresh articles up towards current affairs and make replies. Fair warning though, I work weekdays ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 6, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Charlene
Finally found my place..pissah!!
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 25, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Pantalaimon
CPUSA is probably for you. Well, I love them. Just look at the Program, if you have doubts.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 26, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by MissaDixon
Just saying hallos!!!!

Photos 15 More

Posted by RoboGrahamSome of you will get a laugh out of this.

Posted by RoboGrahamSolid, air tight logic here.

Posted by PBuck0145 Vote for a turd?

Posted by RoboGrahamAlways remember to punch up.

Posted by RoboGrahamThis is our situation.

Posted by BobbyzenThe Democratic Party in a nutshell.

Posted by dokalaYou don't say.

Posted by Snickers77The MSM is not your friend.

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by MissaDixonOh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.

Posted by Snickers77It's easy to be against Trump, but what do you stand for?

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodThere's hope for us yet..

Posted by Snickers77No longer voting for corporate Democrats.

Posted by sadoslimThis is my political compass and where I lean. I am technically a Liberal Socialist and will stand with those views.

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