For those of you interested in the 1776 report, trumpies effort to whitewash history, emphasis on white.
"The 1776 Report is no such thing; it is an overtly racist, propagandistic hack job thrown together by a group of non-experts with very little thought or effort, relying on basically no supporting evidence whatsoever. It is nothing more than a stultifying exercise in vapid jingoism."
It seems to be what they do. Twist and turn facts to suit their ideas and need to control. Funny, I just uploaded this and it seems to fit here. I may post it in the quotes section.
Sadly, it is not funny. It is the Nazi's playbook from the 1930's, implemented to the dumbed-down masses. It worked, though not completely. Next time we may not be so lucky.
Propaganda like this 1776 Report is dangerous for our Country. I sure hope these liars will be exposed and that people in power will put a stop to these lies.
Lets see them get around this: []
"It was ratified by the United States Senate unanimously without debate on June 7, 1797, taking effect June 10, 1797, with the signature of President John Adams."
"The Treaty is often cited, in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government, for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.""
Yep. Living the lie slavery was a simple, god approved, life, that provided a good life and treatment for all, or most all. And oh so much more, like Manifest Destiny bs.
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