Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter

 Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. 
Look deeper: Trump and the Republicans are merely symptoms of an economic system that is destroying the world. .. Read more
 Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. 
Look deeper: Trump and the Republicans are merely symptoms of an economic system that is destroying the world. .. Read more

Posts Tagged "community" By Krish55 (262) Posts by anyone

Shared from Politics
Apr 10, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Krish55Sticky
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to democratic socialism to communism. It is the movement away from corporate ownership in the economy towards more community and social control. For the vast ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Jul 21Jul 21

Posted by William_Mary
What should be done? Despite the various crimes that come with genocide, the fact that others are doing the work we should be doing, is another crime on those crimes. The fact that our MSMs and representation have suppressed the truths of these ...
1 comment
May 18May 18

Posted by William_Mary
Active Participants in Genocide In obedience to Israel, the Western political and media class is isolating itself from public opinion on Gaza in ways hard to believe. But here are a few examples. Incredibly the Israeli genocide in Gaza is now ...
1 comment
May 5May 5

Posted by William_Mary
It Won't Stop With Palestine and the Palestinians! ---- Armenian Christians under siege by Israel Jeremy Loffredo visits the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, where a community of Armenian Christians dating back to the 4th century face...
Apr 21Apr 21

Posted by William_Mary
Cruelty of Language — the NYT’s Leaked Gaza Memo Ramzy Baroud responds to revelations about The New York Times “guidance” on language about the Israeli mass slaughter in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7. The New York Times coverage of the ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Apr 7Apr 7

Posted by William_Mary
The orignator of the group Krish55 has been absent for over 3 months now. I've attempted to message him in regards to his intent for the group but have had no response. Does anyone have any sense of a relationship with Krish in which you communicate...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Apr 5Apr 5

Posted by William_Mary
Sick Cultures: When Belief Systems Turn Pathological There is, of course, a downside. Natural localism ties one to a community worldview that mitigates against independent questioning and fact-checking. Over time established communities and ...
Mar 10Mar 10

Posted by William_Mary
Frontline Diary of an American Officer "Too gather the facts too bring back to the American people." The problem with that is that the American media and the ruling class that owns them won't tolerate you finding the time he spent in the ...
Mar 10Mar 10

Posted by William_Mary
This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal Above is one of Johnstone's snippet articles in regards to the statement US airman Aaron Bushnell made before he set himself afire. But I wanted to add some ...
Feb 18Feb 18

Posted by William_Mary
China in Congo I spoke to Maurice Carney about the role of China in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s mining industry. Several weeks ago here I reviewed Siddharth Kara’s book “Cobalt Red, How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives ...
Feb 17Feb 17

Posted by William_Mary
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine? Ray McGovern and Lawrence Wilkerson argue the U.S. should accept that no amount of U.S. funding will change Russia’s will and means to prevail in Ukraine. As U.S. House members grapple with whether to...
Feb 12Feb 12

Posted by William_Mary
What Has the Putin Interview Achieved? Vladimir Putin’s challenge was to tell Americans through Tucker Carlson a complicated and unfamiliar narrative of how dearly Ukrainians and Russians are paying for Putin’s initial naïve trust in the ...
1 comment
Feb 3Feb 3

Posted by William_Mary
Russiagate & Gaza Instead of criticizing a government credibly accused of genocide, a leading Democrat applies a debunked partisan smear to pro-Palestine protesters and wants the F.B.I. to investigate them, writes Elizabeth Vos. Just a few ...
1 comment
Jan 6Jan 6

Posted by William_Mary
How Israel Leverages Genocide With Hamas ‘Massacres’ Gareth Porter reviews the Netanyahu government’s process of planting stories of nonexistent atrocities by Hamas on Oct. 7 with credulous foreign-news outlets and the Biden ...
1 comment
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Dec 23, 2023Dec 2023

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
Well, this is awkward!
1 comment
Dec 12, 2023Dec 2023

Posted by Communistbitch
Communist women are whores. Your wife aint your wife, she's the community wife. You patriarchal assholes.
Nov 24, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by William_Mary
Putin Was Declared A War Criminal For Relocating The Same Number Of Children Israel Just Killed It’s probably worth noting at this point in history that the total number of children killed in Gaza has just surpassed the number of children ...
1 comment
May 19, 2023May 2023

Posted by William_Mary
Leaked recordings expose shocking state corruption in ‘US governed’ Moldova The Grayzone has obtained video recordings of well-connected figures within Moldova’s political and business community openly testifying to rank corruption within ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Apr 12, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
LINKIdaho, Indiana, Kansas Pass Gender Laws Protecting Minors, Women’s Sports
Mar 5, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by William_Mary
While here in the US----Crickets. Our citizenship is apparently ignorant or blissfully content as our representation supports and funds Nazi fascism. Even right here in the US openly in public. Nothing could go wrong here? European antiwar ...
1 comment
Mar 5, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by William_Mary
East Palestine, Ohio and the Oligarchy The U.S. is an oligarchy. Stating this fact explains events that may seem mysterious if this simple truth is not spelled out. The ruling class are fully in control and ensure that their needs are met....
Feb 5, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by William_Mary
Venezuela and Colombia Sign Agreement on Investments Protection The Venezuelan President emphasized that the signed agreement is a step in the right direction to promote productive integration. The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ...
Dec 24, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by William_Mary
The Ukraine Lobby----Zelensky & Congress Salute "Representatives of Diaspora" During Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, a group of Ukrainians sat in the gallery of the House Chamber. ...
Dec 4, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by William_Mary
US Youth Observe Cuba’s Elections—and Learn About Real Democracy A delegation of youth from the United States observed Cuba’s November 2022 municipal elections and offer an inside look into a true people’s democracy, where workers ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Oct 4, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by johnnyrobish
Gubernatorial Candidate Mastriano Would Outlaw ‘Pole Dancing’ In Pennsylvania Schools At a recent campaign event, Trump-backed Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano told a wildly enthusiastic crowd that after he is ...

Photos 1,881 More

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…

Posted by HippieChick58Donnie thinks he had every right to interfere with the 2020 election

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by CommunistbitchGlobal communist takeover to control information, but the idiots on this site have their head so far up their asses, even with free speech, they are still fooled

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!

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