Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter

 Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. 
Look deeper: Trump and the Republicans are merely symptoms of an economic system that is destroying the world. .. Read more
 Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. 
Look deeper: Trump and the Republicans are merely symptoms of an economic system that is destroying the world. .. Read more

Posts Tagged "media" By Krish55 (262) Posts by anyone

Shared from News & Links
Sep 5, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by Krish55Sticky
Chomsky on the free Western media:
1 comment
Mar 12, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by Krish55Sticky
The Western media is not presenting the Russian side of the conflict. If you are really a freethinker capable of critical thinking and coming to your own conclusions, use this link to see what the Russians are saying. Critiques of their ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Aug 3Aug 3

Posted by William_Mary
Col. Douglas Macgregor: US is UNPREPARED for war on Iran, Netanyahu trying to create GREATER ISRAEL Col. Douglas Macgregor, former senior advisor to the US Secretary of Defense in the Trump Administration, and CEO of Our Country, Our Choice. He...
1 comment
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Jul 21Jul 21

Posted by William_Mary
What should be done? Despite the various crimes that come with genocide, the fact that others are doing the work we should be doing, is another crime on those crimes. The fact that our MSMs and representation have suppressed the truths of these ...
1 comment
Jun 9Jun 9

Posted by William_Mary
Never Forget That Donald Trump Snookered His Own Voters To Pass Ukraine Funding Whether you're a Trump supporter or one that leans towards the better evil, I know you're out there, follow the history and the money that went ...
1 comment
May 18May 18

Posted by William_Mary
Active Participants in Genocide In obedience to Israel, the Western political and media class is isolating itself from public opinion on Gaza in ways hard to believe. But here are a few examples. Incredibly the Israeli genocide in Gaza is now ...
1 comment
May 12May 12

Posted by William_Mary
FROM PROPORNOT TO NEW LINES: HOW WASHINGTON IS WEAPONIZING MEDIA New Lines Magazine purports to be an independent media organization. Yet it constantly attacks genuine alternative media who stray from Washington’s official foreign policy line,...
May 11May 11

Posted by William_Mary
Victory and Peace --- May 9 is a venerated day on the Russian calendar. It marks the victory over fascism in Europe in 1945. Tragically, the Collective West has forgotten this day. The ministry of truth is recreating the past. “Who ...
May 4May 4

Posted by William_Mary
Repression of Campus Palestine Solidarity Reveals the Nature of the State Campus protests in solidarity with Palestine have been met with brute police force and condemnation of the participants. Their mobilization is a threat to the political ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Apr 7Apr 7

Posted by William_Mary
The orignator of the group Krish55 has been absent for over 3 months now. I've attempted to message him in regards to his intent for the group but have had no response. Does anyone have any sense of a relationship with Krish in which you communicate...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Apr 7Apr 7

Posted by William_Mary
IF YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH If you've had enough of genocide... If you've had enough of incremental climate action... If you've had enough of crushing inequality and wealth hoarding... Help us make the demand for change. Watch Jill's message to learn ...
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
Apr 5Apr 5

Posted by William_Mary
Sick Cultures: When Belief Systems Turn Pathological There is, of course, a downside. Natural localism ties one to a community worldview that mitigates against independent questioning and fact-checking. Over time established communities and ...
Mar 10Mar 10

Posted by William_Mary
Frontline Diary of an American Officer "Too gather the facts too bring back to the American people." The problem with that is that the American media and the ruling class that owns them won't tolerate you finding the time he spent in the ...
Mar 9Mar 9

Posted by William_Mary
AS`AD AbuKHALIL: Hamas’ Official Account Hamas speaks for the frustration and disenchantment by Arabs toward the notion of international justice. In contrast to Western narratives about the Israeli genocidal war in Gaza, the Hamas official ...
Mar 9Mar 9

Posted by Communistbitch
All you freeloaders March 8, 2024 [Important Reminder: In case you missed our announcement from January 24, Sovereign Man has merged with Peter Schiff's media group. We are now called Schiff Sovereign, and our founder (Simon Black) has dropped ...
Mar 3Mar 3

Posted by William_Mary
MSM Target Galloway at Victory Party A victory bash for the people of Rochdale descended into chaos when hit teams of MSM reporters took the prime minister’s cue to go after the newly elected member of Parliament. “I despise the prime ...
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by William_Mary
You Can’t Be A “Lesser Evil” When You’re Sponsoring A Genocide You don’t get to apply the label “lesser evil” to a president who is backing a literal genocide. That’s not a thing. If you were to make a list of the absolute worst...
1 comment
Feb 18Feb 18

Posted by William_Mary
"Democracies" Deny the Popular Will While Suppressing Protest and Dissent The nations that brag the most about "democracy" routinely ignore the will of their people. Support for Israel's war crimes in Gaza is but one example of this phenomenon....
1 comment
Feb 17Feb 17

Posted by William_Mary
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine? Ray McGovern and Lawrence Wilkerson argue the U.S. should accept that no amount of U.S. funding will change Russia’s will and means to prevail in Ukraine. As U.S. House members grapple with whether to...
Feb 15Feb 15

Posted by Communistbitch
If the government and the media says its the end of the world, then theres nothing to worry about. If they tell you everything is fine, you got something to worry about
Feb 12Feb 12

Posted by William_Mary
The resignation of Maria Svart and the political crisis in the Democratic Socialists of America Last month, Maria Svart, the national director of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), published a statement announcing her resignation from ...
Feb 9Feb 9

Posted by William_Mary
The Biden-Schumer Plan to Kill More Ukrainians The $61 billion will make no difference on the battlefield except to prolong the war, the tens of thousands of deaths and the physical destruction of Ukraine, writes Jeffrey Sachs. President ...
Feb 5Feb 5

Posted by Communistbitch
February 5, 2024 [Important Reminder: In case you missed our announcement from January 24, Sovereign Man has merged with Peter Schiff's media group. We are now called Schiff Sovereign, and our founder (Simon Black) has dropped the pen name and is ...
Feb 3Feb 3

Posted by William_Mary
ICJ Rules Against Ukraine on Terrorism, MH17 In a blow to Ukraine, the World Court ruled Russia didn’t finance terrorism in Donbass and the court refused to blame Moscow for the downing of Flight MH17. The World Court ruled on Wednesday ...
Jan 29Jan 29

Posted by Communistbitch
January 29, 2024 [Important Reminder: In case you missed our announcement from January 24, Sovereign Man has merged with Peter Schiff's media group. We are now called Schiff Sovereign, and our founder (Simon Black) has dropped the pen name and is ...

Photos 1,881 More

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…

Posted by HippieChick58Donnie thinks he had every right to interfere with the 2020 election

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by CommunistbitchGlobal communist takeover to control information, but the idiots on this site have their head so far up their asses, even with free speech, they are still fooled

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!

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