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I can't help but wonder why there's not alot of members here? My ex was terrified of being in business. I thought she was addicted to what I called a ' wage earner mentality'. Do you think I was a little bit accurate in that assessment? Seems to me that alot more people would be interested in self actualization???

potteryguy2018 6 Nov 7
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This is an old topic, but I'm new to the site. I would not have a business if my wife didn't have health benefits through the company she works for (I used to own 3 self storage facilities, all distressed properties when I bought them, sold 2 at full occupancy (full in the industry is 85-90%))

I think if the US had universal health care you would see a lot more entrepreneurship in this country.

dfross Level 5 Feb 13, 2019

I’m a former business owner and former contract/subcontact employee who also happened to run a business within a business. I worked in retail, warehouse, sales, accounting and business management, information technology and services as an employee and manager and owner. I learned with every step. And, I was satisfied with each step until I wasn’t. It was a process.

I don’t know whether you ex was addicted to a wage earner mentality. You’ve only provided one data point. That is not nearly enough data to determine what she was like in any context. I also don’t know what you, specifically mean when you say “wage earner mentality.” But, it comes across as a pejorative in the way you use it.

Owning a business can be daunting. First and foremost, you have to be able to work without direction, like to work without direction, and want to work without direction. You also need to have applicable skills and an ability to market your skills or product. It helps to have adequate funds.

And, you have to have the gumption to take that first step.

A lot of very capable people do not have the requisite interest to take that step. That doesn’t not mean that have a wage earner mentality. Nor should it imply anything negative about their abilities.

Not everyone can or should own a business. Not all of us can be business owners either. Every business needs workers, even if some of those workers eventually decide to become business owners.

Many people can achieve what you refer to as self-actualization without owning a business. They may achieve it through working with or for others, or through social interaction, or family, hobbies or charitable works.

Rob1948 Level 7 Nov 23, 2018

I'm a contractor. I work for myself and also work in a Union. My job is not always full time so I contract jobs. Sometimes huge jobs. I file taxes as a business owner, but do not have a brick and mortar shop. I rent space as needed or go to locations. I provide a service and a product, really, but never thought I fit here so never joined. I joined now to comment. I think the description may be a little off-putting. At least it was for me.

CaroleKay Level 8 Nov 23, 2018

Can you tell I hate MLMs? Did I make that clear enough? Hahahahaha lol ?

Lol!I can get why you would need to add that though.


I am really surprised at this too. I really thought there would be a LOT of self-employed and successful people on this site.

I have been surprised by the fact that there seems to be a disproportionate number of retired people/disabled people on the site and no apparent "leaders of industry". Or maybe they are here with fake BIOs and still in the proverbial closet about their atheism?


There's uncertainty in being the business owner . It's more difficult to plan your expenses and income .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 8, 2018

There's certainly risks involved!


I think most people are raised to get a good job and obey their employers but for those of us who are used to being free and making a payroll for our employees who are our extended family it's a very different world.


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Posted by WarmFluffyHello, I'm working on my plan B job.

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new to the community and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

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