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I finally finished all of my internship hours and class assignments Friday so I thought I’d take these next two weeks to get my body used to exercising again before I start my masters program and my first job as a college graduate.

Today, I walked my dog around the block one time this afternoon and twice tonight, after I did twenty minutes of Zumba. I’ve been walking my dog around the block regularly the past week or so but tonight was the first night I added extra exercise. I know it’s not a lot, but I’m proud of myself for taking the first step!

I’ve battled anorexia since middle school and am hoping I can keep on track and not over do it this time around. I have a very hard time losing weight now and I hope I can have the patience and consistency to wait for the loss to come while not getting upset and binge-eating everything in sight.

Everything around me has been motivating me to do better. I just hope I can juggle work, school, and exercise as it has been difficult for me to do in the past. Thanks to everyone who participates in this group, it inspires me to do better!

1EarthLovingGal 7 Apr 27
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Enjoy being online again!

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Congratulations on all of your achievements and accomplishments. I understand you. I think my lowest weight by age 22 was 95 pounds at 5'5". I also completed a masters degree in my 20's. I just want to you to know that you are very beautiful, thin, and intelligent. You got this and there are a lot of people on this website you can talk to if you need to.

UrsiMajor Level 8 June 24, 2020

Congratulations on your Academic Accomplishment. Good luck with your next one!
It's a mindset thing. Then you will never binge eat again. Then you will exercise everyday. Good Luck.

Lynch601 Level 4 May 15, 2020

Always eat healthy at least as good as your dog eats so both of you are routinely walked scooped and satisfied with clean air pure water


Don't exercise to lose weight, exercise to get fit and healthy. . Everything else will follow naturally.. BTW, you don't even look overweight at all... Do your exercise first thing in the morning, early... Then it's all done for the day... Good luck 😊

@Doraz I'm a morning person... Wake up early and get the done and over with so there's less chance for excuses later 😊😜

@Dancing hey! You changed your username!

@Dancing don't leave... See if you can change your personal posts to anonymous


Good luck

Mitch07102 Level 8 Apr 27, 2020
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Posted by DorkyndaftGood morning!

Posted by UrsiMajorThe install was way harder than I thought.

Posted by MeggieClearyI just spent 4.

Posted by MeggieClearyI just spent 4.

Posted by Mitch07102Be like a Dottir.

Posted by Aeonia25850I always have my tunes going

Posted by Aeonia25850Pretty much how it feels, lol

Posted by UnityThis is why I love fitness

Posted by Aeonia25850I hate to say it, but this does happen. Especially around new years!

Posted by Aeonia25850Just for a laugh! Right now I'm pushing these legs of mine hard with the weights and on the bike and am seeing good results.

Posted by StevilFriday, I ran in the Bobcat Boogie color run, on the Cleveland Greenway.

Posted by StevilThe Friday before St Patrick's day I ran in the Irish Soles 5k.

Posted by tinebeanOver St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All that practice was fun, an excellent cardio workout and won me a little bronze medal! ? Woo hoo!

Posted by tinebeanOver St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All that practice was fun, an excellent cardio workout and won me a little bronze medal! ? Woo hoo!

Posted by AllenaNot my normal weekend workout, but it sure was fun!

Posted by SilviaParkI had my first triathlon in Sunday, an indoor USATri60. Lots of room for improvement, but I'm just a beginner swimmer, and haven't taken my bike on the road yet :)

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