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I am a big fan of kettlebells as an efficient training device. Low cost, and you can work strength, aerobic capacity, flexibility, all with just a couple of relatively inexpensive bells.

This video provides a good overview of a basic workout routine.

Mitch07102 8 Jan 21
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I have a friend...a chiropractic doctor...who swears by them...and loves the workout. He's always been a little pudgy (like me) - and we're both in our mid 70's...we'll see....

Robecology Level 9 Jan 21, 2022

Kettlebells are indeed a fantastic training tool! They offer a lot of versatility for a low cost, making them a great addition to any workout routine. Thanks for sharing the video overview of a basic kettlebell workout. It's always helpful to have resources like this for inspiration and to keep our fitness routines fresh and exciting.
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I, too know of a chiropractic doctor who's in his 70's and also swears by the good effect of Kettle-ball use!


i'll try it

TheDoubter Level 9 Jan 21, 2022

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Posted by DorkyndaftGood morning!

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Posted by tinebeanOver St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All that practice was fun, an excellent cardio workout and won me a little bronze medal! ? Woo hoo!

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