7 2

My problem isn't with religious people trying to influence me. My problem is that X-tians, by virtue of their embrace of ancient theology, are vulnerable to being manipulated, by atheists with their own vile political agenda. And I, by virtue of being a member of a small virtually underground group, am drug along in their monstrous wake.

BitinDawg 4 Mar 3
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I have no issues with +ians getting a dose of their own medicine.
If that's not what you're talking about, then I'm not sure wtf you're talking about.

Dougy Level 7 Mar 5, 2019

Well...since you refuse to explain your meaning in this ambiguous little post....I suggest you'll not get much attention.

If'n u don't know what I mean, and u don't know where the red line of political correctness lies, u r probably unknowingly constrained by and compliant with it.

@BitinDawg I GET IT! Looking to start a mess, are you? Not with me! Go away now.


In Good We Trust

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 4, 2019

I fear that u r going 2 b terrible disappointed. Perhaps, MISTRUST would be more realistic.


The truth is - God is not everywhere except in crazy brainwashed minds.

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 4, 2019

N fact, I believe that Einstein is quoted as saying that, reality may be complex beyond the ability of man to comprehend. In that complexity that lies beyond our ability to understand, we know not what therein lies. Perhaps, God?

@BitinDawg No, just ignorance.

@Tiramisu With all due respect, Mister T, I will wait 4 a response with some intellectual content.


This should be easy to understand for everybody

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 4, 2019

Atheism is the rejection of god claims. That is it.

Atheism is an intellectual rejection of the ancient mythologies in favor of existential reality. Atheism is a requisite of intellectual maturity. Okay, same thing.

It is also a rejection of the shitty collateral that comes with it... bigotry, ignorance, narrow mindedness, child sex abuse, nun sex abuse, racism, exploitation, persecution, violence in the name of God and religion.

@Tiramisu I am completely against all of those but atheism does not deal with any of those except the god claim. Atheism is the rejection of god claims. No more, no less. For example you can be an atheist and be racists as all get out and still be an atheists. You're bootstrapping ideas onto atheism that don't belong there.

@BitinDawg Sorry, wrong.


Of what manipulation do you speak?

I'm sorry, but that involves matters that are terribly politically incorrect. I am blocked on to many venues already.

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