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More and more people now live alone than ever before. Even if they share living spaces with someone, technology has given them the means to live in isolated mental spheres. A lot of people have found their kind of joy since now they are no longer fully dependent on people things around them. Just like the ever expanding universe, our minds are travelling further and further too.

Mimee 6 Aug 4
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On a pessimistic note technology can rob you of making or maintaining meaningful relationships. I'm 'old' enough to remember what it was like to be a kid who always played outside, with friends and neighbors, and could never imagine spending a big chunk of time playing on a device. I think as I've gotten older I've become addicted to my the Internet and always being connected to friends and family.
Don't get me wrong, technology is an amazing tool we are fortunate enough to have, but if we're not careful, we can neglect the real world for a virtual one.

HannaYou Level 6 Aug 5, 2020

@Radu I don't discount the possibilities to meet new people online; it's a great stepping stone to creating new friendships/relationships etc. but if it only stays online, I feel like many miss out on the human connection you get from face-to-face interaction. Talking to my friend who lives across the globe on Google Hangouts is great but hanging out with her in person is different. We need that live, social interaction where you have a person next to you and not just on a computer/phone screen.


That's not me.. But I see your point...

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