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There’s this interesting class of people that aren’t rich, they’re the near rich I guess. They have enough income to buy vacation homes, or recreational vehicles like boats, private small aircraft or off road vehicles. They seem to universally support Trump based on that Trump armada that failed.
The question, is there a name for these people?
Or am I just tripping?

Willow_Wisp 8 Nov 6
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how about 'the deluded'.
most of them were born at the right time & had a few lucky breaks along the way, e.g. inheritances.
but they're convinced that everything they have is bc of hard work & intelligence.
their biggest fear is that they might have to pay a liitle extra in taxes to help the less fortunate.


My Dad’s the UK version. Bloody annoying would be my name for it lols! Perhaps happy with their heads in the media?

“The I’m All Right Jacks” is how I’d describe your Dad and swathes of the smug, comfortably off Tory middle classes. The buggers who voted for Brexit and Boris!

@Marionville exactly, did I mention how he thinks there are no poor people in Britain, it’s scary. He also identifies as Christian.

@girlwithsmiles There are plenty of people like him here in N.I too...only they vote DUP!

@Marionville I live in a village where half of the houses are either holiday homes or holiday lets. House prices are shooting up because city dwellers are selling up and moving to the country so young locals have no hope of buying a house.

@Moravian it’s the same all over the U.K.


Here's the thing.
America rewards greed.
America - particularly the #religulous - encourage male dominance. America has a inner soul, if you will...of racism, and xenophobia. We've become known for becoming haters for the current class, or group, or general source, of immigrants.
And finally - there's a large group of folk who've made their money supporting the #1 destroyer of the environment...fossil fuel burning.
I call them the FFC...the tens of millions who get rich through the Fossil Fuel Consortium...everyone from gas station owners to car dealerships.

So they're successful - they make good $$$...and they support an arrogant, racist, sexually aggressive person as a leader. And there's tens - if not hundreds - of millions of them. Mostly in America. Land of the Greedy.

If Biden gets in he will apparently try and mend the rift between Americans, this will probably involve some education and a stronger place held for science. I hope so, and I hope it helps to prevent the current polarisation.
Certainly he believes in climate change, which is a good start.

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