9 3

Do you think human society in its present form would survive if each and everyone was a free thinker? Free thinkers become leaders in most cases. And leaders need followers. That's how religions grew and spread because most humans like to leave the tough business of free thinking to others.

Mimee 6 Dec 13
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I understand and agree with your sentiment, that either you are a free thinker or a sheep. And also that free thinkers have a tougher life ahead of them.

But I think the flaw in your statment can be that

  1. Humans are diverse and there can never be a situation like this in the first place.
  2. If there can be enough free thinkers to tip the scale in our favor then we can simply eradicate all nonsense and hibby jibby and set the new norms of this new world.
BikramK Level 4 Jan 8, 2021

Free thinker would think freely about himself as this world is a chaos . Njoying the journey is better than thinking about destination.

omkaraum Level 5 Dec 15, 2020

I don't know, it all seems a bit presumptuous, I don't really think of "free thinkers" as a substitution for "enlightened" for example. It's not about having the one true outlook, it's about knowing the truth, about self, society, the physical universe, the nature of things as best we can tell. It takes time, and the less time invested the more preposterous the assumptions. I've learned so much it's making me stupid because the more you learn the more you find there is to learn, it's quite humbling.


A further thought on "free thinkers" IMO the only true "free thinkers" that I am aware of were the Greek Sophist" of Socrates and Plato tradition. I am sure there are other examples, but I am not immediately familiar.

t1nick Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

But the need for all parties to define their definition of this term is truly necessary to have a valid, meaningful discussion. Otherwise, we stand the chance of talking past one another without really saying anything.

t1nick Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

Not every freethinker is a leader...that depends very much on personality and character. People of all any personality type can exercise free thought and use their own judgment on what to believe based reason and logic.


What constitutes a "free thinker?" Define what you consider a "free thinker". We have seen that term glibly thrown about on this site,
While in reality many were anything but.

In order to have a rational discussion, it becomes important to know what each party understands the key terms to mean. Especially given a loaded term like, "free thinker". Quite often it turns out to be, "What I believe is free thinking, and what anybody else doesn't thinks is not".

My two esteemed colleagues below, and I recently encountered a prime example of this exact disconnect.

t1nick Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

No, as we are now a lot are poorly educated or inform about the world and how society truly runs. We been listening and processing information provide by people who are manipulating us to better themselves more. So unless it’s people who actually do their own research and truly think independently. I believe it would be chaotic and destructive society.

Christoph Level 3 Dec 13, 2020

We will survive freethinkers can both lead and follow

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 13, 2020
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