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Heraclitus 8 Mar 7
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bobwjr Level 10 Mar 7, 2019

Welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy exploring the path of enlightenment.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 7, 2019


phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 7, 2019

Welcome to the group.

The point of this post isn't the malarkey of the content. The point of this post, is, what is it's base, what is it's point, to whom is it directed and what is its endpoint?

“Also, just as the moon reflects the light of the sun but does not have a light of its own, the same is true of the Jewish people. We are a light unto the nations but it is God’s light going into the world reflected off of us out to mankind.”

“That is why most holidays are in the middle of the Hebrew month when the moon is full and its light is the strongest. That is when Israel has the greatest ability to spread the light of God into the world. A supermoon is a special opportunity for Israel to perform our function of being a light unto the nations.”

Rabbi Winston also noted several unique and significant aspects of the moon.

“The moon always has the same side facing the earth,” Rabbi Winston said. He also noted that the diameter of the Sun is about 400 times larger than the Moon’s, but it is also roughly 400 times farther away from Earth. These two qualities almost cancel each other out. As a result, the Sun usually appears to be the same size as the moon.

“The physical conditions necessary for this to be the case are astronomically small,” the rabbi said, pun intended.

When asked if he thought the supermoon had any significance for the Messiah’s arrival, Rabbi Winston demurred, saying that ascribing significance to a specific event is the realm of prophecy and not for the average man. But any event, no matter how small or distant, could prove to be “explosive.”

“But we are in the final stages,” Rabbi Winston said. He gave two examples to illustrate the current condition of mankind in relation to the end-of-days.

“It is like when you take a cab to someplace and you arrive but remain seated in the cab,” Rabbi Winston said. “The meter is still running but you are at the destination. All that is required is to open the door and get out. Any moment, any small event can trigger the explosion of redemption.”

His second analogy carried with it an ominous warning.

“The arrival of the Messiah has an aspect that is like musical chairs,” he said. “No one knows when the music will stop, but when it does, you might unexpectedly be caught unprepared and be left standing without a place to sit down. It is absolutely correct today to be paranoid.”
Purim Supermoon Symbolizing Pre-Messiah Feminism

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, director of the Ohr Chadash Torah Institute, sees the upcoming Purim supermoon as symbolizing a pre-Messianic tikkun (fixing) of the feminine.

“The moon always represents the feminine, “Rabbi Trugman told Breaking Israel News, noting that Purim emphasizes the feminine. “Every Purim occurs on a full moon and Esther is the heroine of the story. It could have been called the Book of Mordechai but it was significantly called the Book of Esther as she was the main agent that brought redemption.”
Rabbi Trugman (Courtesy)

Rabbi Trugman wrote about this in his new book Seasons of the Soul: The Ohr Chadash Anthology of Jewish Holidays and Significant Events:

“The Rabbis compare the ‘fall’ that occurred in the Garden of Eden and the subsequent ‘demotion’ of women’s status, evident in a multitude of societies around the world for the duration of pre-Messianic history, to the Midrashic allegory of the moon and the sun. On the fourth day of creation, when the sun and moon were created, the moon complained to God that two kings, meaning the two “great lights” created on that day, could not wear the same crown.”

God subsequently, according to the Midrash, made the greater light to dominate the day and the lesser light to dominate the night, and the stars. Genesis 1:16

“God’s response was to tell the moon to make itself smaller (Chullin 60a)… Based on this correspondence and the aforementioned allegory, Jewish mystics teach that one of the final rectifications that must occur before the Messianic era is Tikkun Chava, the rectification of Eve and the overall status of women, represented by the moon.”

“It seems clear that the almost unprecedented promotion of the social status of women in our day fulfills in part the overall process and requirements of Tikkun Chava (fixing of Eve).” This process is alluded to in the events of the book of Esther.

“All of history is understood as a series of attempts to rectify the sin of eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; a redemptive process which will, in effect, rectify the role of women in the world, re-balance the relationship between women and men, and, ultimately, return the moon to her former glory alongside her partner, the sun. In fact, the Book of Esther and the role that Esther played symbolizes, on many different levels, the rectifications that need to be made in order to reverse the deleterious effects of being exiled from the Garden of Eden. It is these very rectifications that will ultimately lead to the Messianic era and the proverbial return of humanity to the Garden of Eden.”

“It is therefore not surprising that the elevation of women’s status around the world in our time coincides with Israel’s rising from millennia of oppression and the ashes of the Holocaust, returning to their ancient homeland to create a strong and independent nation! From a Torah perspective, these two processes are intimately connected, as significantly, Israel is also always associated with the moon.”
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

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