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Was just listening to the soundtrack to this movie and it got me thinking. The movie is called "Begin Again" and it's about several individuals who "start over" and find new meanings to their lives. SMALL SPOILERS ahead if you haven't seen it and wanted to watch it!
-----In this movie is a brilliant and beautiful song called "Lost Stars," written and sung by Keira Knightley's character, and a particular scene's dialogue that involves this song had always stuck with me, because I always found it applicable to many aspects of life: In response to her ex's "pop remake" of her song, Keira Knightley's character tells him that "he's lost the meaning of the song in production." Through his fixation on adapting his music to what the greater audience demands, her ex had forfeited the individuality and the emotion attached to the piece, instead shaping it into a much-repeated emotionless formula.
-----Upon listening to the very song again, I was brought back to a conversation I had with an ex of mine, shortly before our break-up. I know this doesn't correlate or apply 100% but the very idea seemed to resemble somewhat what happened. So, my ex at the time was questioning his beliefs about his religion, Christianity. He told me that despite his family's emphasis on religion, he didn't feel that he naturally prioritized it and felt ashamed because of it. He felt like he "wasn't being a good Christian" and felt like he wasn't doing enough good in this world. How this relates in my mind is his very fixation on "being a good christian" (appeasing outside sources such as God and his family) rather than being a good person on his own collected values and morals from various experiences.
-----His strict upbringing of specific sermons and narrow-minded perspectives (in my opinion) seemed like an emotionless, non-inclusive of individual situation, repeated formula. And he was afraid to approach his individuality, his doubts that he expressed. I believe that fear of his family's disapproval drove him to fully adopt his family's views without critically thinking or considering his individuality. To me, he's lost the true meaning of being a good person, by equating good to Christian, rather than examining what good is on its own, appreciating the beauty of our freedom to consider what is good and the ways we feel we can do good. I don't aim to start a debate and it's not about complaining about my ex, just sharing thoughts and I'd be happy to hear yours on this very concept, the concept of what it means to be "true to oneself."

Listener59 5 Sep 30
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This is an amazing analogy (hope I used that correctly) for what I believe religion and mainstream media is exactly. The perfect “formula” for creating a mass of mindless robots, or sheep if you will. Doing what others believe is right, only because for one reason or another whether it be fear, ignorance, or simple lack of exposure.

Anttony6 Level 2 Oct 15, 2019

I am sorry about your breakup. I went through it too. 5 years with a devout Catholic. I told him l wasn't religious in the beginning. He could see l was a good person. He hoped to convert me. When he saw he couldn't (after FIVE YEARS?!?!) he told me he had to break up with me. ( This was after a visit with a close friend of his, a Catholic priest). I am still sad 5 months later.

Caligirl Level 4 Oct 15, 2019

I went through a similar scenario with an ex girlfriend for 3 years. Similar meaning exact except for the time length.


Sad to say the reverse is true about a Kris Kristofferson written song.....Me&Bobby McGee is a be a good xian song and Janis Joplin put every drop of passion into it....she over dosed before it was heard on the radio

@Listener59 Kristopherson is quite a poet but religion spoiled his prolific career after 17 years of avoiding church


When I was a teen and denounced religion, this was one of my arguments for why I no longer believed. I felt I was a more kind, loving and accepting person than the ones I saw in church, there I did not see moral people and did not want anything to do with it.


I think you are right in what you say regarding your ex boyfriend, and I think that it also bears comparison to the remarks made in the movie. There are undoubtedly countless people who find themselves beating themselves up by trying to be “good Christians “ and losing sight of their humanity in the process. I have heard people around here say it’s not enough to be a good person and to do good need to be saved by Jesus and dedicate your life to him to be born again and enter the kingdom of heaven, So showing kindness and being a good human being is simply not enough..that’s why they feel they need to do more to prove that they are worthy of entry in the next world, Its driven by a fear of not getting into heaven rather than a real desire to love their fellow humans. The music analogy is a good one, because that happens too, when certain types of pop music is churned out because it will sell and become a vehicle for success...entry into the charts (not heaven), but it can become emotionless and automaton-like in the rendition, void of real very apt.


Absolutely love that movie and the soundtrack! Thanks for the reminder 😊


Paragraphs would be good!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Sep 30, 2019
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