7 3

So gonna tackle a subject here that in the past has gotten some interesting responses. Freewill. Does it really exist? Ages ago when I was in college one of my favorite subjects was psychology. I forget which psych class it was but I decided to do a research paper on Freewill. By the time I was done my world view was drastically changed. When I turned in my paper to the professor I stayed behind to speak with her. I looked at her as both stated and asked, "Freewill is an illusion..?"
She looked at me with a Cheshire cat grin and just nodded slowly. So what say you? Do we have freewill or do we not?

Norman347 5 Oct 27
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I watched some philosophy debates-alot of evidence
is pushing in the NO direction . From the idea of who
and where you are born to what will be asked of you and
when. I tend to agree with the premise that freewill is curtailed or near non-existent. We as a culture like to
tout it, but the more immediate constraints (location;age
;background;genes;ECT.) restrict individual objectives.
Good post!

BBJong Level 7 Nov 2, 2019

Never heard anyone give a convincing argument that there is no free will at all, just that it is severely restricted...which it is. But if there is no free will at all, then no one chooses to believe in free will or not to believe in free will, because their own belief one way or the other is determined and beyond their control. So there is no point arguing about it in that case because we are all just acting out deterministic scripts of the universe.

Heraclitus Level 8 Oct 27, 2019

I see the level of choice connected to how it is veiwed
socially and culturally.In context we must remain
realistic for choice to be a factor.

Look at it this way. All your choices are based on your DNA and life experiences. In any given situation where you have multiple possible choices there really is only one choixe you can make. Every time you are placed in that same situation with the same choice and knowing the same information you will always make the same choice. The only way you could make a different choice is if you are given additional information.

Exactly, but we are constantly given additional information. Being alive means you are constantly taking in new information. If you are not constantly taking in new information, you are dead.


Yes, we have free will.. Why does this question cause so much debate?

Price it. How do you figure we have free will and not the illusion of it?

@Norman347 an illusion of free will.. I guess you can say everything is an illusion... But that doesn't make sense to me..


I think causes have natural responses and we get patterns from that. But it seems to me we can step in at any given time and reject the intuitive reaction. Perhaps the argument against that is that even the rejection is the result of a cause we can't see because we don't see the big picture.

brentan Level 8 Oct 27, 2019

I think those who said this illusion (more correctly it is an incomplete thaught )they may be informed that it create a motive force to go ahead. Our task is to choose whether it can be followed to get an output or to reject it if there is no output possibility within a time frsme.

allmighty Level 6 Oct 27, 2019

Action and reaction in physics would suggest not. But then the quantum world is strong with items appearing and disappearing for no reason.

I am sure we can forget brain functionality, whichever way we go!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Oct 27, 2019

There is order and cause and effect at the quantum level as well. We just don't understand it yet.

@Norman347 Then probably no free will that we would understand.

No the quantum is also driven by cause and effect. It just appears weird because we don't understand the causes yet. Just like how nothing in the universe is random. We use the term when we don't understand the cause and effect going on. It just appears random to us because we lack the required information to see the causality.


Complicated there is perception and actuality, what we perceive is based on our own preconceptions about our behavior and wants and in some part our DNA which also controls our beliefs and wants

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2019
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