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"Freedom of knowledge" is a thought I had to discuss. This could take different paths of discussion. If thinking freely, what is require to think? Knowledge by some input? What then if the knowledge avaliable has restrains or restrictions? Would that not be the limiting factor for free thinking? I think everyone basically is very well capable of free thinking that has good cognitive capabilities but some are exposed to only limited information for processing. Have only the first half of a dictionary to learn by? Pay money so you know information?

Word 8 Dec 2
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That's great

Hsable Level 4 Dec 4, 2019

Thatโ€™s far too much to think about, maybe better to narrow it down a bit and then as it gets going introduce more questions into the debate.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 4, 2019

My ideal is not about debate but discussion. Hence the hodge-podge of questions to give various directions to go.

2 blinded persons at opposite ends of an elephant. Debate, conflict, confrontation clash arguments to me seems to get little of any where.

Stating observations, comparing and contrasting likes and differences and discussing obvious conflicts seems more reasonable than debate.


@blahblah So what is the difference between debate and conversation for you? I don't see it as being any more confrontational than a conversation. Just because one doesn't have the same opinion about something doesn't mean that one automatically hates the other person and wants to fight them.

@Jolanta for one, debates are structured for a specific topic most generally. Conversation could drift or change topic just by free flow of the information exchanges.

I have posted for conversation a comment addressing something stated in some one else's comment but because it was not some original topic content they were not inclined to have conversation. They get their pantyhose all wadded up for going off from origin topic when I was just conversating about what was posted below the original topic.


I think the extreme view is the Calvinist notion that free will is impossible due to our fallen nature. In this case, it seems to be a matter of the fallen intellect. If Kant is correct, our mental faculties create knowledge from sense perceptions. In computers, raw data is processed to become knowledge. My guess is that access to knowledge - or to put it another way - the freedom to gain knowledge, is bound by the processing power of our intellect.

brentan Level 8 Dec 2, 2019

I haven't heard of Calvin's theory. But, that might could explain 'slow" thinking people. I have considered there is 3 type of knowing, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. All a form of knowing but advance in stages. Knowledge like a person knows a brick. Understanding like knowing how mortar is mixed to put on the brick and wisdom of building the entire house. Then back to understanding the brick would require understanding on how to make the brick in the first place. It's all connected by knowledge but some people may be slow after just the brick. Understanding actions to mix and such takes more processing than just observing the brick. Then wisdom of putting it all together in a building.

LOL. I guess that's why we have the expression 'thick as a brick'.

Seriously though, I take your point about knowledge, understanding and wisdom. I've always been intrigued by the use of these words in the Bible. Here's one example I'm sure you know very well:

The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens.ย By his knowledge the depths were broken up, and the skies drop down the dew.ย - Proverbs 3:19, 20.

I don't know if the writer is just using these words interchangeably or if he means very different, specific things when he uses them.

@brentan I might also use analogy: a word is knowledge a sentence is undersranding and a paragraph or essay is wisdom.

But having said that, there could be simple words of wisdom given a situation.

That makes me think of a saying my grandfather repeated a few times. The more words does not mean the more important or more wise: Gettysburg address was only like 250 words but considered a great speach, where as legislation for cabbage might have many words but not such the effect or importance.

My grandfather was a WW II army drill Sargent turned preacher in the 60s. Never made it to High school but did like to read, not just bible, reader's digest and such too. He was not always the fastest of thinkers, worked carpentry and had to do his simple math calculations on the wood he would measure to cut. However, he was not one to speak a lot but what he did say was often full of useful knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

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