5 17

When I first moved into my house, the backyard was nothing but weeds and dirt. I spent many hours digging up daylilies along the railroad tracks with my girlfriend and planted them along the banks. They have multiplied with no help from me...

thinktwice 8 June 25
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Beautiful and lush--so inviting! How many years has it been?

Carin Level 8 June 25, 2019

As usual, the garden had to wait for the house repairs is about 10 years....plenty of time for the plants to get full and spread!


That is gorgeous, love them with the hostas for a lush retreat!


Beautiful!!! All your hard work has paid off....


Good job. We did something similar but, unfortunately the we has turned to me and weeds.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 25, 2019

We started with nothing but three acres of bare yard and trees. When I sold it it you couldn't find a place there wasn't a plant or scrub. A lot of the flowers came from the roadside. I carried a spade and leather gloves in my hatchback just for that.

freeofgod Level 8 June 25, 2019

We did the same for our urban plot. It was a real garden with stoned patio. I got it registered as a backyard habitat. Bad news the couple who bought the house didn't want a garden. The good news was that some family members were thrilled to maintain it.

@JackPedigo I am selling my house...I don't care what the new family wants to do...I have my pictures and a new garden to work will probably be mostly containers now since I don't want all of the work in retirement...

Here is one shot of the garden. It's small but has a lot of plants including 3 apple trees.

@JackPedigo Love gardens that just seem to flow so naturally with the is lovely!

@thinktwice We had a friend who is a landscape architect draw up the plans. He did say it was only a recommendation and we didn't always follow the plan.

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