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Blooming today outside my kitchen window! Bedroom as well. It's a lilac variety named 'Miss Kim' that was supposed to be a dwarf - nope! It's 16 years old and 14 feet tall. Intensely fragrant. Blooms just after my standard lilac fades.

AmiSue 8 May 23
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Hi Amy Sue,
From an old nurseryman; You are right, 'Miss Kim' is a dwarf but like most dwarfs it requires some attention to maintain the dwarf state. I've often said that "Dwarf" means, 'grows more slowly than the standards'. At my home in northern Indiana I had a dwarf, lilac 'palabieana', that I had neglected for a couple years. It was up to 7' in height and 10' across. I cut it back to a height of 5' and 6' across in spring of 2016. I then sold the house and moved to California. (there are lots of things about Indiana that I miss but the Republican cornfields isn't one of them . . .)
Trimming Solution; get out your pruning saw long-handled loppers, hand shares and maybe a little profanity. Approach Miss Kim with a kind heart and the attitude, "I can fix this". Once you read the following you will be thinking, this is gon'a more than it hurts you!
First, what NOT to do. Do not go over the top and cut it back to height of 5' or so. You will hate it and so will I. My bias is that one of the reasons we want plants around our homes is that subconsciously we are aware of the harsh unyielding lines of the building and we want plants around it to soften those harsh lines. Two yr. later we get out the hedge shears and give 'em all a haircut. Hallelujah! we've just done to our landscape plantings the same thing the carpenter had to do to the building. In my "unbiased" opinion proper trimming leaves the plants with the soft informal and natural outline that can now work its magic on the harsh lines of the house.
Right after the plant blooms in spring is the time to trim lilacs; because after lilacs bloom they put out new growth AND develop next years bloom-buds on the tips of the new growth. (roses for example put out new growth in spring AND develop bloom-buds that flower that spring.) Judging by how leggy your lilac is I think that trimming will be relatively simple and a lot easier than one might expect. (I was looking at it from your kitchen window and I see that though it is quite large it isn't very dense) Stand 10'or 15' back from the plant and study the top line. Pick out the tallest branch, or one of the tallest branches to about 5' from the ground. Search for branches or stems that have leaves even if it's only a couple leaves and cut just above those leafs. Snap stem That remains maybe a foot or even 2' long, or it may be just a twig with a couple leaves. That's okay too.

2BeeWise Level 3 May 25, 2018

Continuing; how to trim lilacs . . .
Something tells me you aren't supposed to write a thesis here. The system blocked additional writing above.
Now step back and choose the next longest branch for the same treatment. At this point you can see that Miss Kim is going to look horrible when you're done but just apologize and keep on working. With light getting to the lower portions of the plant it will put it out a great deal of new growth, enough I think that you will be pleased with it's progress. It's very likely that you will have more large stems or trunks than the plant really needs. What is "really needs"? If it "looks" too thick to you cut some of 'em out. And keep mind that you won't hurt your plant. In fact even if you cut the whole plant off at the ground it would come right back up. You might not have bloom for the next two years but you'll have a vigorous, lush young plant because it has a massive root system to feed a new top.
Judging by the view from the kitchen window, I'm not sure your lilac has as much light as it would prefer. Lilacs as you no doubt know, do their best in full sun exposure.

If there is something that doesn't make sense just yell.

I apologize for my brevity. {😉


I miss lilacs, I wish they grew here.
We don't have enough winter for them.


That's heavenly! (An inappropriate word for this site, I know, but still.)

I'm so envious and happy for you. That's a lovely view through the window and with the scent too. These things enhance the quality of life.


I love lilacs!


So lucky you are! sure wish i could get fragrant things to grow in my corner of the world... that's neat

blueskies Level 7 May 23, 2018


Donna_I Level 8 May 23, 2018

What a great view to wash dishes to

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