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Hey...I have a question, for the ladies I guess. I was married for a long time. My wife and I were very comfortable with each in all areas. Now... now my last girlfriend could really not stand hair down there, on the privates. Is this common? I mean sure, you see a pretty bare view in porno, but are a lot of people (and Men inparticular) shaving down there?

Ron_R 7 Feb 11
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Always go for the middle ground when a partner makes an extreme request. Like all hair cuts you can always take a bit more off, but the extreme takes a lot of time to reverse.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 12, 2019

My problem is even if I shave, there is stubble. I have Polish heritage and very coarse pubic hair is one of the blessings that comes with that. I don't think many men want to feel the rough feel of stubble. I'll stick with trimming it

@Cabsmom great idea! I also don't find massive amouts of pimple like ingrown hairs attractive either. That's what i wind up with, and I've tried everything to avoid it.

@Kojaksmom, if I could stay smooth and bare for a while, I'd probably shave. However, prickly stubble is not fun.

@Kojaksmom I read Jenna Jamison's autobiography and learned only 1 valuable thing,,,,If you get razor bumps, immediately after shaving use a light layer of antibiotic cream or ointment. It works!

@sapiofile tried it doesn't work. I've tried everything. The only thing that does work is aftershave lotion for African American skin.


It is a personal preference..I personally can't stand body hair...I had all of mine lasered off. I don't require partners to shave but I absolutely expect a good trim job.

Dante714 Level 5 Feb 12, 2019

Not talking about the ladies, but since I started shaving/trimming down there and arm pits, it became easier to deal with long warm days without risk of end up smelling bad.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Feb 12, 2019

She was just getting you into training....waiting for the nose and ear trimming days!! 🙂

sapiofile Level 5 Feb 12, 2019

Hair trends come and go. I had an undergrad student say he’d be grossed out by a female partner’s pubic hair. Really?!? Ugh. To each their own.

UUNJ Level 8 Feb 11, 2019

Yeah ..It's natural to have hair down there.

@Ron_R Edited public to pubic!

@Ron_R My student said he’d be grossed out by pubic hair. (as opposed to “public” hair).


My last ex-husband wanted me to shave. I resisted, but finally gave in. We both really liked it, but I had to kick him to the curb for being a bi-polar sociopath... but I kept the haircut. I like it. It feels good and it's really no trouble. Trouble would be letting it grow back with all the unbearable itchiness that can't be politely scratched in public. So I guess I might as well keep it.

mollygirl Level 5 Feb 11, 2019

Yes. Shave it! Do you think women like to floss during a BJ?

zesty Level 7 Feb 11, 2019

A little hair now and then makes for some entertaining moments. I just look at them and smile while I pick the hair out. It's not a big deal to me.


I don't shave anything. I don't think I even own a razor anymore. I don't ask anyone else to shave either, but it's been so long I don't remember.


Hair acts like a lubricant, especially in the pubic area. If both are shaved, a long session of sex will cause irritation. With oral sex, the prickly parts can irritate the mouth parts. So all in all, I want to be neatly trimmed, and I like her that way too.

mischl Level 8 Feb 11, 2019

Hair does not act as a lubricant anywhere! Properly shaved eacj day or vaxed weekly there are no prickly parts at all! If you wish to have prickly parts - don't have sex with a sophisticated woman.


Shaving or trim will trim on request

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 11, 2019

Shaving or trim will trim on request

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 11, 2019

I think most people prefer a partner who will make an effort to keep it neat and tidy. It's part of your grooming habits, just like brushing your teeth and washing your hair. Trim it up or shave if you feel the need to, but definitely make the effort.

LizL Level 5 Feb 11, 2019

I don’t. The most I will do is trim into a neat bush as opposed to a wild burning bush, lol.
My reason is, hairless looks too immature, like a girl. I’m a WOMAN. I have hair.


I wouldn't want the man completely bare, but if it's out of control, just trim a little.

Cabsmom Level 8 Feb 11, 2019

Nothing wrong with hair.

SKH78 Level 8 Feb 11, 2019

you do not have to shave but trimming it short is nice.


Oh yeah, I've had women complain about getting hair stuck in their teeth. I don't shave, but I keep it trimmed really short. I can't bring myself to put such a sharp blade there


My experience has been that the trend to shave/wax (including among cishet men) has peaked, and some younger folks are increasingly going either au naturel or leaving artful patches. My experience with my age cohort (I'm about to turn 49) is that many are still inclined to go hairless and expect to see likewise. Obviously, this is all modulated by individual, regional, and cultural tastes and YMMV, but that's been my experience.

ejbman Level 7 Feb 11, 2019
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