Real Intimacy

A forum for women and men to exchange thoughts about intimacy and relationships. Frank and explicit discussions about real life topics.

A forum for women and men to exchange thoughts about intimacy and relationships. Frank and explicit discussions about real life topics.

Posts Tagged "friends" By Kojaksmom (37) Posts by members only

Shared from Love & Relationships
Mar 10, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by JGal
What are your thoughts on this quote? Couples choose each other with an unerring instinct for finding the very person who will exactly match their own level of unconscious anxieties and mirror their own dysfunctions, and who will trigger for them ...
Real Intimacy
Dec 8, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by EntheogenFan
I have a story to tell. It's a terrible story, but it needs to be told. This is not the telling of that story. I'm still deciding how to do that. But these are the important parts that hardly anybody knows: Brutal honestly and see who cares I guess....
Shared from General & Hellos
Feb 28, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by GodlessDio
POLLLooking for new Godless friends 👋😁

What do you prefer?

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Real Intimacy
Sep 18, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Kojaksmom
Were you able to remain close friends with exes? According to psychology if you could remain friends with an ex it means you either still love them or never really loved them in the first place. Agree or disagree and why
Real Intimacy
Aug 29, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by SimplyJaneen
So I've been divorced now for almost 21 months. My ex left for South Korea shortly after getting the divorce papers and everything was finalizee after he left. He's still over there. Here it's me and my two girls. I have a 10 year old and a 14 year ...
Real Intimacy
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Deb57
Hi. I just joined this group. I'm here because, after four marriages and divorces, it's pretty clear that I have a problem acknowledging red flags and making the distinction between decent men and dirt bags. The last marriage was the most horrific ...
Jul 11, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Conversational
I am female, in my mid-late 50's, Asian, enjoy deep conversations and getting to know people. I am very inquisitive and genuinely interested in getting to know who someone is so I ask a lot of questions in order to get to know and understand them. ...
Real Intimacy
Feb 26, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by rsb97080
I also posted this in a different group as a reply to woman who went on a date with someone she met on a matchmaking site, but won’t date him again because he’s a republican: It used to be that most people could disagree politically, but accept ...
Real Intimacy
Feb 1, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mermaidfantasy
I was asked a question by the man I have been seeing for the past 10 weeks and did not have a good answer for him, would love to hear how others think on this. His question was" how can I trust how I feel when everything is so new in our ...
Real Intimacy
Oct 7, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by MichaelCruver
The sexiest,thing a man can do for his woman is crawl inside her mind and make her imagination run wild.😋
Shared from Love & Relationships
Sep 4, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Jurnee
So, I don't really know if this belongs here of not, but I'm going to out it here anyway. It feels like I just got a knife in the heart. It was placed there completely unintentionally, but it's there nonetheless. I've been talking to and becoming ...
Real Intimacy
Sep 2, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by nomorechristian
I’d like to hear from those of you who have a FWB, or have had one in the past. I’m curious, and have so many questions. Were you “just friends” at first? How and when did the benefits start? Did you talk about adding benefits, or did it just...
Real Intimacy
Jul 20, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by MoonTigerII
Short, fascinating lecture by brilliant and fun Stanford neuroscientist Robert Sapolski (several TED Talks), explaining the two faces of brain chemical oxytocin. It makes us bond with and feel good about members of IN groups like family, friends, ...
Real Intimacy
Jul 13, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by DerekMcElwee
What would you do if the person you were with for 5 years turned out to be an alcoholic and drank to escape the stress in their life, and as a result, they end up cheating on you? Would you say they were 100% responsible for their actions, or would ...
Real Intimacy
Jul 13, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by CuriosityExtant
POLLThe Meeting Bubble This is useful for many situations, say for instance, meeting new "friends" from the web in person for the first time can be pretty weird – everyone is different in person. Look at it this way: If you have spent some time, ...
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Real Intimacy
Jul 6, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by SKH78
I kind of wish I had a significant other. But it is very difficult to find someone who thinks like me. I had one really good relationship that lasted a few years. He was eccentric and could easily think outside the box. It is, on occasion, ...
Real Intimacy
May 5, 2019May 2019

Posted by VineetHonkan
It was a bright sunny day in 1991.A year had passed since my car accident, and I had gone through the physical rehab necessary to get back on my feet. The psychological part though, that was still ongoing. I had also been through my first rehab ...
Real Intimacy
Apr 17, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by scout123456
If you have not had sex in 14 years with you partner and you discover (through their DRs) that the partner has developed phobia regression to thinking about sex as a thirteen year old and not likely to get better- is looking out side the relationship...
Real Intimacy
Mar 25, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Cabsmom
I was looking at an article about how people use their phones constantly...even when enjoying times with friends. That is true. There was a link to an article about why you want to check your phone during sex. Huh? If that's the case, you're doing ...
Real Intimacy
Mar 20, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Rowlands72
Some friends ask me for advice about life and love and tell them to look how my marriage and how my many relationships hence so many failed because I kept picking the wrong type of women. Oil and water don't mix.
Real Intimacy
Mar 3, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by JGal
I'm reading the book Fuck Love, One shrink's sensible advice for finding a lasting relationship by Michael I Bennett that I borrowed from the public library. I stumbled across it after looking into the 5 love languages that has been referenced on ...
Real Intimacy
Feb 5, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Justjoni
This speaks to great relationship building, as friends, lovers, or both - especially both!
Real Intimacy
Jan 27, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by obis
So today was just another weekend. I moved earlier this month to a new location, and I moved a few years ago to my previous location prior to this move. It is hard to connect with people here. It made me to start longing for the connection I used to ...
Real Intimacy
Jan 7, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by tedelliss
I am a hopeless romantic...I never saw hookups or casual relationships (as in FWB - 'Friends With Benefits', the successor to ;Playing The Field' once said long ago) as genuine, meaningful...and evidently not exclusive. Though if I had little choice...

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Posted by UnitySomeday my princess will appear before me. ❤️

Posted by AtheistPeace666Hello I'm a single Canuck looking for my special lady Canuck.

Posted by KhaCRYou ever feel like you found the perfect sexual partner then he turns out to be a complete 💩bag and you can’t find the satisfaction in other encounters?

Posted by EntheogenFanI have a story to tell.

Posted by EntheogenFanI have a story to tell.

Posted by KateOahuYes, I agree that the reverse is also true.

Posted by JolantaThis is what women have to put up with and then they want to be intimate while we are still angry because they will not do their share of housework.

Posted by JolantaDucky, Snookums....

Posted by SorchaThis is a guy I was talking to from okcupid. He is totally new to online dating and it shows.

Posted by JolantaThat’s Amore. Some women are just far too shallow.

Posted by JolantaSomething for real intimacy perhaps.

Posted by Green_Soldier71Has anyone here had any experience with (or known someone who has/had) a SEXLESS MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP or a FRIGID PARTNER?

Posted by EyesThatSmileNakedness.

Posted by LetzGetRealMy family has often commented how I should become a "cougar"... as I look pretty good at my age and have a younger mindset than some of my peers, I guess this is there rationale?

Posted by Ann-1980The 4 types of Intimacy to feel sufficient, satisfied & healing in a love relationship.

Posted by Philip21over the top thinking? []

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