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My hometown was hit by what they are calling an F3 tornado with winds up to 144 mph on Thursday. I would like to share a comment that my son-in-law posted on Facebook today. I copied it so I don't misquote him:

"I keep reading posts saying that Marshalltown is destroyed, devastated, or ruined. Marshalltown is none of those things. Many of our historic buildings are heavily damaged, many people have lost their homes, several area businesses are torn apart, but the people of this town are still strong. We'll recover and rebuild. It's what Iowans do when we get collectively knocked down, we pull together and get back up stronger than before. This town is the people who live here, not the buildings that fell here. We are going to be ok."

It's very true. And I consider myself very fortunate to have such a wise young man in my family.

LuckySeven 4 July 21
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The news does get a bit dramatic sometines in their descriptions of events... glad they are ok!

Donna_I Level 8 July 28, 2018

My town was devastated. One of the main factories was decimated. Another was damaged enough to be closed well over a week. It's still not functioning 100%. Hundreds of people are homeless and jobless. I was lucky. MY family is all alive and well at this point. Many are still homeless. Many are still without gas because of a major gas leak. Yeah. I guess that might sound "dramatic" to someone who hasn't been through it. They're saying it might take 5 years or more for our town to recover. It just makes me sad.

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Posted by CliffordCookJust before the movie Civil War came out in cinemas, Trump supporter ([iowafaithleadercoalition.

Posted by CliffordCookI lived in Iowa years ago, but remember the caucus season well.

Posted by Donna_IRandom Ramble.

Posted by FrostyJimI visited the Turkey River and remember this old Mill - many cool sights here... and a great magazine too! []

Posted by FrostyJimI came up to Alaska from Coralville, IA in 1991 for a summer job .

Posted by Donna_IGeneral question. Do you have a favorite Iowa food? Casey's breakfast pizza, pork tenderloin, maidrites, etc... Mine is taco pizza. I hadn't realized it (theoretically any way) began in Iowa.

Posted by Donna_IHello fellow Iowans! I am the new host for this page and I am looking for suggestions for a more vibrant page! Please let me know your thoughts.

Posted by Donna_IWhat are the best fall things to do in Iowa?

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