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Just before the movie Civil War came out in cinemas, Trump supporter Pastor Mike Griffiths of Revelation Church in Bettendorf, Iowa issued a new prophecy, calling his followers to violence.

Griffiths wrote, “I Am calling My Army into formation. The Battle lines have been drawn. I am calling All My People to the frontline of the Battle. You have been prepared. You have been trained and equipped. There are no part-time soldiers in My Army. There are no weekend warriors. There are no mercenaries. There is only 100% sold-out, all in, do or die, Spirit-filled, power packed warriors. There is no retreat. No turning back; Only victory.”

CliffordCook 6 Apr 20
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So who or what is this army of zealots going to attack first. The police station down the street? The Capitol Building redux? There is a nuclear power plant a few miles from here. Closed for the last 30 years. How will our military respond? & just who is leading these armies of god. Not god I am sure of that.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 21, 2024

The Trumpers and right wing groups, will wage a low level civil war around different parts of the country, similar to what the Michigan militia group did, in trying to kidnap and kill the governor of that state a few years ago. It will be something like what happened in eastern Europe with Kosovo and Bosnia, where there will be private, right wing militia groups going around attacking state government capitals and officials, then moving on to hunting colored people and immigrants first. After those groups are attacked and killed, they will move on to queer people, and finally people identified as being on the left.

They will not attack the police or military, because those groups will for the most part, be already infiltrated, or at least sympathetic and hands off towards them. Same with nuclear plants and such. Their goal is to terrorize and kill the groups they hate, as far as private citizens, as well as government officials that they see as their political enemies. It will also resemble what Hitler's brownshirts did before Hitler got in power. If Trump wins the election, his thugs won't even have to be operating that secretly, as he will back and protect them from any punishment from the criminal justice system. But even if is not re-elected, his followers will still be able to operate like the Klan did for so many years in the South, with the secret and unofficial aid of the cops..

If Trump becomes prez again, I see him using executive orders to have all his political enemies, as well as any undocumented immigrants, all rounded up and imprisoned, as the beginning, and then moving on to the other groups I mentioned above for imprisonment.


I challenge anyone who is tempted to dismiss the violent nature of what Mike Griffiths said to go and see the movie Civil War and step out of the cinema and say that we're taking it too seriously. When Christian Nationalist preachers talk about things like God's Army and the Armor of God and the sword of righteousness, they are priming their followers to commit violent atrocities. Whether it comes to pass that their followers actually become violent, they are clearing the path to bloodshed.

I agree, and plan to be armed and trained to shoot and protect myself, before it's too late to be able to do it, should it become clear in the next year or so, that the Trumpers are getting ready to wage civil war against us. The future will become very clear soon after the election, as to what the right is going to do, so the time to arm ourselves and prepare for self defense, should be right after the election, if not before..

I haven't yet seen the movie you mentioned, but I did see God + Country, which made the same points, and I agree with your view of what's coming.


What a shithead! But typical Bible thumper in this state full of hicks, rednecks, and Trumpers.. A wannabe David Koresh or Jim Jones...


Megalomania or paranoid SHITzophreneia..
Oh, wait, Both!


What an arsehole


What all the capitalizations signify, I can't fathom.

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Posted by CliffordCookJust before the movie Civil War came out in cinemas, Trump supporter ([iowafaithleadercoalition.

Posted by CliffordCookI lived in Iowa years ago, but remember the caucus season well.

Posted by Donna_IRandom Ramble.

Posted by FrostyJimI visited the Turkey River and remember this old Mill - many cool sights here... and a great magazine too! []

Posted by FrostyJimI came up to Alaska from Coralville, IA in 1991 for a summer job .

Posted by Donna_IGeneral question. Do you have a favorite Iowa food? Casey's breakfast pizza, pork tenderloin, maidrites, etc... Mine is taco pizza. I hadn't realized it (theoretically any way) began in Iowa.

Posted by Donna_IHello fellow Iowans! I am the new host for this page and I am looking for suggestions for a more vibrant page! Please let me know your thoughts.

Posted by Donna_IWhat are the best fall things to do in Iowa?

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