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another week or two gone. has anyone picked up a new hobby or habit during the shutdown?

Donna_I 8 Apr 8
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Have no time for hobby's been working 50+ hours a week.

Wow! that is very busy. What do you do (if you don't mind my asking)?

@Donna_I Work on locomotives


Nope. Just staying at home and getting bored. Going outside for an exercise walk when it's warm enough.

me too! this whole waiting to see if you are going to become ill while not knowing, or being able to find out, if you might have already had an either mild or asymptomatic case is aggravating. Take care. More exercise, for me, would be a good idea.

@Donna_I Iowa needs to have widespread testing on demand, but neither the state or Trump are willing to pay for it.

@TomMcGiverin agreed! I doubt we will ever have extensive testing.

@Donna_I Neither Trump or Reynolds would support spending that money for it. Without testing tens of millions Americans, starting with health care workers and those who are still working BEFORE any lifting of social distancing, the government would be acting recklessly and we would lose tens of thousands more lives, not that most Repub pols would care...

@TomMcGiverin depressingly I imagine your correct.

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Posted by CliffordCookJust before the movie Civil War came out in cinemas, Trump supporter ([iowafaithleadercoalition.

Posted by CliffordCookI lived in Iowa years ago, but remember the caucus season well.

Posted by Donna_IRandom Ramble.

Posted by FrostyJimI visited the Turkey River and remember this old Mill - many cool sights here... and a great magazine too! []

Posted by FrostyJimI came up to Alaska from Coralville, IA in 1991 for a summer job .

Posted by Donna_IGeneral question. Do you have a favorite Iowa food? Casey's breakfast pizza, pork tenderloin, maidrites, etc... Mine is taco pizza. I hadn't realized it (theoretically any way) began in Iowa.

Posted by Donna_IHello fellow Iowans! I am the new host for this page and I am looking for suggestions for a more vibrant page! Please let me know your thoughts.

Posted by Donna_IWhat are the best fall things to do in Iowa?

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