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Can anyone give me some links for trying to start the talk of my boyfriend leaving this cult? I love him and very much see a future with him but he just became a deacon or whatever they call it and said he sometimes goes witnessing. Sounds like he way more involved than he lets on... should I break up with him or no? We’ve been together a year and a now and his family know nothing about me. I’m getting sick of being hidden.

TattedIrishXx 5 Feb 22
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I wonder....How did this turn out? I do not necessarily agree with all those telling you to RUN from him. I was raised a JW and started fading and dating "wordly" women. It was a struggle. I was torn...tormented inside because I knew it was wrong and wanted out but just couldn't figure it out. It took me years to finally let go and be free of their brainwashing. You can actually help him see the light and possibly give him the path to freedom.

pgl4vt Level 6 Dec 22, 2020

That's "WORLDLY" women...not wordly!


I don't have any links, but can't resist commenting on "witnessing". Witnessing is one of many words misused by religious nuts. They are witnessing nothing, they are actually repeating hearsay.

Alienbeing Level 8 Nov 23, 2020

This page has a lot of good advice: []

Make sure to read the “The Risk You Take” section. He might feel threatened by your attempts.

kdmom Level 6 July 22, 2020

There are no links. There are no secrets to reasoning with him. They are taught that everything contrary to the religion is apostasy. He will dispute anything you say to him that does not agree with the watchtower society.

He believes everything that contradicts the watchtower is not true, created by satan and part of the system of things that Jehovah will violently destroy very soon.


I do not envy your situation and there are a few possible outcomes. However I think that there is only one probable outcome in his view. You get indoctrinated into the cult and you become his chattel. In watchtowers twisted view you are persona non grata and a huge danger to his "spiritual well being".

He’s told me he wouldn’t want me to “convert” unless I wanted to and I laughed and said, “lol oh hell no!” ... I don’t think that’s it. He says he doesn’t believe half of what they do and just goes to keep his mother happy.


If you have been together for any lenght of time i would be wary. He is breaking a lot of jw rules just by meeting you if he was found out by the local elders he could be dissfellowshiped. That means his mum could shun him if he is living with his mum she could kick him out.I understand your fustration of being "hidden" If you married moved in toogether the results could be the same complete shunning by his family and jw friends. I would sit him down and ask him what he wants tell him what you want and ask him what he is going to do to achieve that. I am no expepert on relationships but i sugest you think of yourself in this situation


If he's a JW, and able to hide his relationship with you, he can't be trusted with other things. It's clear that he's not serious about his cult, so why would he be serious about you? Who else is he hiding? Who else is he fucking? And if you get him away from the cult, will he really be away from it?

Stop enabling him. And stop deluding yourself. Pack your bags.


If he is dating you, and you are not a JW, he is probably living a lie. If the two of you have been intimate, he is living a lie, by JW standards.

sfvpool Level 7 Feb 23, 2020

Yes and yes. He goes to “meetings” two hours on Wednesday evenings and then for three hours on Sunday mornings. The rest of the time he’s living as a normal human being.

@TattedIrishXx then, ask yourself if you want to be with someone who is living a lie.

@sfvpool good point... I just wish he’d see it for what it is... stupid! I understand he doesn’t want to lose his mom but what’s he going to do, let them think he’s a bachelor all of his life? He replied when I asked him just that, ”I’ll deal with it when and if I have to.”


If he has been hiding you, you are not his girlfriend, you are his booty call. Period. Wake up!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

But we don’t Always have sex! We hangout, enjoy a drink and some cannabis. We watch TV, get out to movies, hangout with his friend, get together for coffee with my friend and her hubby. I don’t think he’s with me just for the sex. He stayed with my mom after she had back surgery last year...


I'm an ex-JW and I think it would take something equivalent to a miracle for this to work out well. My favourite source of JW information at the moment is Kim and Mikey's channel on YouTube. I enjoy how they contrast together, Kim being very staid and Mikey off the wall. Anyway, here's the link:

brentan Level 8 Feb 23, 2020

Better to break it off before marriage. I was raised to be a Moron (oops, Mormon), and was married to a Mormon woman. We had two children before I did enough research to discover that Joseph Smith, the founding "prophet" of the Mormon church, was a false prophet. I was excommunicated for apostasy, and my wife took the children and disappeared. Later, I was served with divorce papers. I wish I had done the research BEFORE marriage. Anyway, the point is that differences in religion can destroy family relationships. In my opinion, it would be best to free yourself from the JW and find someone who thinks as you do.

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Posted by pgl4vtLast time this happened was 1980.

Posted by WildgreensJWs hide pedophiles

Posted by BestWithoutGodsLaughing my donkey off. 😂🤣😂🤣

Posted by zingNothing to fear

Posted by ClauddvonI'll start.

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