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This isn't right! We have got to stand up to this! Basically against children!

TCorCM 7 Dec 31
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TCorCM I’ve noticed that you have argued with or tried to refute every comment on your recent posts. If you were trying to insult the collective intelligence of this group or disrespect us you have wildly succeeded. If you think you are converting us to your way of thinking, that is unlikely because we are wise to the right-wing misinformation found in the Washington Examiner and the Heritage Foundation. You were told that, but you persisted in posting more. That is insulting and disrespectful.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 4, 2021

Kids are not usually confused about their gender. From a very early age, I knew I was in the wrong body. If the kid knows what they want and are in appropriate therapy, they should have the option.
Adults are more confused or freaked out about than the kids.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 1, 2021

@TCorCM why do you think the kids are lying? Influenced? Yeah, being beat every time you do something too girly or boyish will decidedly “influence” you. If the kid is insistent about it, then yeah they know.
How many cases de-transitioned? Are you talking 100 or 5000? Out of how many that transitioned. Out of the hundreds of trans people I know, I only know of one case that regretted surgical reassignment. They didn’t do the life test and could not blend as female after surgery. The life test is there for a reason.
Why are you confusing sex - sexual acts with gender identity?
Who the Fck is forcing someone to transition? It takes years and serious bucks. You have a lot of learning to do. You might start with the WPATH standards of care

@TCorCM Nooooo, trans is not new. The term transgender is relatively new, but trans people have existed for millennia. Billy Tipton (1933), Christine Jorgensen (early 50s), Gentleman Jack (Anne Lister), and Native American 2-spirit for starters.

If a kid is consistently (for years) identifying as trans, they probably are. If a kid is on blockers and they decide not to transition, just stop the blockers. What about the kids that are trans, but prevented from using blockers or transitioning? Where is your outrage for them?. Where is your outrage for those of us who had to hide a major part of our identity for decades to survive? Where is your outrage for those of us that died trying to be someone they weren’t? Do you have any idea what the suicide rate is for trans-people? Or what percentage of homeless youth are LGBTQ+?
I think what you are searching for is an easy answer as to whether or not you are trans.

LMAO of at forcing kids to transition. More like the religious nutters trying to convert someone from being gay. Medical and surgical transition is not cheap or easy.

@TCorCM The medical impact of hormones is not unknown. They’ve been used for years. You know that the birth control pill is hormones, right?

@TCorCM Teens have been using the Oill from the start. Also the Nuva Ring, IUDs with hormones, and injections. Hormones are used for poly cystic ovarian syndrome, and early onset puberty. They are also used to assist teens with migraines and acne. As I said, it’s only when gender is involved that people worry, but there are ways hormone treatments are used.


For some reason has decided not to let me block people, but if I could I'd block you. You are confused and your posts reflect this. Confusion is natural for someone facing gender identity issues. Do some reading of trans writers and see a psychologist. Until you have done that please don't post on trans issues. I have paid my entire life for not being able to transition as a child. You don't know what you're talking about.

Theresa_N Level 8 Jan 1, 2021

@TCorCM The source is RT which Is RUSSIA TODAY

@TCorCM To answer you, in my world I do not believe anything Vlad the poisoner has anything to do with. Zero. He is a masterful manipulator & will use whatever he embraces to lessen ones scrutiny of him, "guide" youngsters who are very impressionable.& grab hold of unstudied minds. By terror, by influence, by cunning it is PUTIN & his ilk which are dispensing fact & fiction in order to cause chaos. When people do not know what to believe a nation will become unstable as opinions clash. Ala the storming of the Capitol Building by the barbarians of PUTIN"S making. That's why I believe NOTHING from RUSSIA TODAY.


There’s always someone going to far, but this one sounds like “The war on Christmas!” Which only exist in the minds of conservatives. Or how everyone not wearing a MAGA hat wants to abolish the police, just take their gear and send them home!
Are you insane?
On case by case basis any kid that wants puberty blockers should be allowed to use them, because secondary sexual characteristics cost a literal fortune and an eternity to deal with. People like JKR disagree with puberty blockers for any children, and people of that ilk have claimed all kinds of horrible stuff about what trans and trans activist want and are asking for.

So it’s one of two things, a nutcase loudmouth trans activist that doesn’t represent me, or an extended straw man of people that hate trans. I’ll even give it a misunderstanding scenario like a trans woman says, “If I had been on puberty blockers I wouldn’t look like a linebacker, but I couldn’t be that honest back then, to bad all kids aren’t on puberty blockers until they know who they want to be.”
Hardly an advocation for ALL kids to be put on puberty blockers whether they want to or not. That’s as unfair as not allowing actual trans children to use puberty blockers when most know exactly what they want, considering the time, expense, and the psychological effects denying them blockers or HRT causes. HRT isn’t allowed until most secondary sexual characteristics are mostly developed. In most cases blockers wouldn’t even be necessary if they were allowed to go ahead with HRT. The Churches are dead set against that though.
Normal people fucking scare me.

@TCorCM I did read the article the activist said over and over that they are NOT advocating for every kid to be put on puberty blockers.
As for the pathetically over dramatic examples of trans that were “confused” those are rare, and why psychologist and medical doctors are involved.
Trust me, not one person has ever transitioned without a shit ton of effort, and every single person in their world climbing into their mind trying to figure out what’s wrong.
Even LGBT people do this more than you know.
Transitioning isn’t something anyone does lightly.
Your example is like a Heart Surgeon wake up one day, “What am I doing? I wanted to be a lawyer!”
It doesn’t happen.

@TCorCM Trust the kid! They fucking know. I knew, but I didn’t want someone like you advocating for me that’s for certain. You have zero clue , you really don’t.
People like you are why people like me suffer.

@TCorCM My experience was counter to every single influence in my youth in rural Alabama in the 60’s and early 70’s where you need to keep things to yourself so you can continue to live. Being young and trans in a world where trans simply doesn’t exist did nothing to discourage who I knew I was all along. Being trans has no resemblance to joining anything. No more then you can change your sexual preference, not that it’s a preference, it’s more important and it’s personal and I shouldn’t have to explain any of it because technically, and this is true, it’s no one else’s fucking business.

@TCorCM You are wrong about when children develop gender identity. Some kids claim their identity as soon as they have the vocabulary for it or have the freedom to dress themselves.

@TCorCM I know gender non-binary children, adolescents, teens, adults and senior citizens. Their only confusion was around why people got freaked out about their identity. They are as sure of their identity as you may be of yours.

@TCorCM First, hormonal treatment can be reversed easily. Second, the vast majority of trans people do not have surgery. Many by choice and others due to the expense. Third, of those who have gender realignment surgery, only 0.3% express any regret. Of those, it’s important to know that regret doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with gender issues—that percentage includes people who had unrealistic expectations, or who had less experienced surgeons.

@UUNJ I’m so past this terf warfare. It’s like arguing with the religious, the facts are on our side, but they have a firehose of lies and manipulation “concerns” for people they’re keeping down while lying that they only want to help.
The facts are available, they choose ignorance, so Fuck them.

@Willow_Wisp I’m with you. Done with this particular argument.


Puberty blockers? Christ.

rainmanjr Level 8 Dec 31, 2020

@TCorCM Compassion. And BTW, no one complains when youth are on hormone-changing protocols for other health concerns. It’s only when gender is a factor that people freak out about it.

@TCorCM “Mental defect” says it all, in terms of your perspective. It’s not a defect to recognize that you aren’t who other people say you are.

If one identifies as female, then why would one desire a facial beard? If one ids as a male then why would he want breasts? Puberty blockers? Yes.

You haven’t a clue what gender identity is.

@TCorCM Oh for fuck’s sake. 🙄🙄🙄

@TCorCM Did it take you until adulthood to understand your gender? For most of us, there is a clear association with the gender we were assigned at birth, and how we experience our gender, and that’s handy because society says that’s how it’s supposed to be. However, for many people, the label they were given at birth (and that’s all it is, a label) doesn’t fit their sense of self. So, they take steps to bring their body into alignment with who they truly are. It’s not a defect, it’s not something that requires adulthood to recognize, and it’s not something done without medical supervision.

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