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@glennlab @Redheadedgammy @zoohome @Sierra4 @BitchyBear

This is flag I saw driving into Sweetwater, TX., it didn't look like the picture in this article but similar.

Roscoe Hard Times: What’s That Flag in the Cotton Field?

The flag in the cotton field about a mile east of Roscoe.In past week or so, I’ve been asked by more than one person about the flag flying on a flagpole out in a cotton field east of town.  Visible from the highway, it is just west of US 84 near where it joins I-20. 

The flag itself, with seven white stars in a circle on a blue field next to three bars—red on top and bottom and white in the middle—was one that neither I nor others immediately recognized. 

So, for a while none of us knew what it was for or what it represented.  But then I got an e-mail a couple of days ago from a person I don’t know.  Its subject heading was Cotton Field Flag, but it had no personal message—just an illustration of that same flag and some accompanying text explaining that it was the original flag of the Confederacy.

Then someone told me that the flagpole was in Tim Kerby’s field, so I phoned him to find out what the deal was.  It turns out that he is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an organization dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of the soldiers of the Confederacy—and they are the ones who put up the flagpole.  

The original flag of that design flew over Fort Sumter when the war broke out and was the Confederate flag until 1863—with more stars being added as more states joined the Confederacy.   But it was largely replaced by the more familiar red flag with stars in an x pattern, the one popularly referred to as the “Stars and Bars” and more commonly thought of today as the Confederate flag.  

The change was made so soldiers could more easily distinguish their flag from the Union flag during

MichelleGar1 9 Sep 26
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Posted by michelle666garLMAO!!!! 😂😂😂😂

Posted by HankHunter13light my fire

Posted by HankHunter13long hair

Posted by HankHunter13Same Difference

Posted by HankHunter13The Invisible Man

Posted by HankHunter13Nailed it

Posted by HankHunter13you're saved

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Merry princemass, solstice festivals of lights, and all of my purple life.

Posted by HankHunter13"no, you cannot possess me." -judy tenuda

Posted by HankHunter13but there's more of us than them

Posted by MichelleGar1This is a truth, I will never understand why some of us believe in religions that were forced on us!

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