1 4

Pic 1
Monarch chrysalis, J-cat and crawl-off.
Pic 2
A chrysalis, first of season

Leafhead 8 June 7
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I really need to get I to this. Butterflies might be the one pet I have time to manage.

They are not so much pets as charges. You don't keep the butterfly; you release upon eclosure.
Caterpillars are more work than you think.
They eat and poop constantly, and must be kept in fresh host. The cages need frequent cleaning and sterilizing. The caterpillars have to be segregated by instar, and every scrap of host must be inspected and washed for parasites.
So there's a lot to it. Keeps me hopping, especially the big tanks!

@Leafhead I knew you let the butterflies go. That was part of the appeal. I didn't realize they were so much work :/
If they are more work than a fish tank, I just don't have the time right now

@CraeftSmith not so much at first, but the big guys will keep you hopping.
The important thing is KEEPING THEM IN FOOD! A caterpillar out of chow will turn on a chrysalis if it has to. The other important thing is sterilization of the enclosures between broods.
Soaking in 10% bleach for 1 hr and well- rinsed afterward will kill any germ or OE spores hanging around. Changing floral foam between feedings and renewing host will prevent disease.
Cleaning cages at least once a day for the big guys is necessary

@CraeftSmith I don't spend that much time on the cleaning & sanitizing, but I use a large caterpillar house which was originally a parrot cage, covered with screening so it is airy.

On the floor of the cage, I have a plastic floor mat with spikes turned upside down (spikes pointing up) covered with screen so moisture dries quickly. I also have plant saucers with gallon plants in them for the caterpillars to eat, and I switch the plants out often as the leaves are eaten. Droppings mostly fall in the top of the plants (fertilizer) or in the saucers, that can be cleaned out easily.

I also sometimes put plant cuttings in a bottle with foil around the top to keep moisture in and caterpillars out.

I take everything out and clean the screen and mat at the bottom occasionally. Not as hygienic as it can be, but it works pretty well.

Most of my caterpillars will eventually climb up and make pupas on the bars of the cage.

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Posted by MikeECI posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here. Those of you who are members of both groups get to see it twice ?

Posted by MikeECI posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here. Those of you who are members of both groups get to see it twice ?

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