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Rue in the pollinator garden.

The plant in the photograph is Common Rue (ruta graveolens), a perennial that is the host plant for the giant swallowtail.

Both photographs are of plant beds near my garage. The one of the giant swallowtail was taken last summer.

MikeEC 7 June 28
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Leafhead Level 8 June 28, 2018

I tried Rue, and it lasted 1 week with all the bunnies. I'm thinking gas plant to attract Giants.
I remember Florida, with all the citrus.

There were Giants in those days!

Leafhead Level 8 June 28, 2018

You are very "quotefull" today 🙂

An advantage to being in a neighborhood with so much greenery is that the environment offers so many choices for our well-fed rabbits.

They like hostas and will select one near the end of the yard and nibble it down to the ground. I just let them have that one because there are plenty more.

They seem to like the tender, juicy, new plants of any kind. I find that if I grow it in a pot until it is a few inches tall or, if planted directly in the ground cover it with a "chicken wire dome" until is several inches tall, they will leave the plant alone once the dome is removed.

The rue in the picture is on the "alley-side of the garage," and was planted last year. When it emerged this year, they left it alone. I guess they just had better options the bunny buffet ?

I am trying to lure the bunnies more into the lawn by letting it grow long in places where there is a lot of clover or Bird Foot Trefoil. They love Fabaceae members most of all.
It seems to work somewhat, although they ate the shit out of my two dwarf Anthuriums!
Lots of babies running around.
"Preying" for a fox!!

@Leafhead I would offer to loan my wannabe-fox. Unfortunately, athough she is very good at chasing bunnies, she has never caught one that I know of.

However, if you ever experience an invasion of squeaker chickens, Maggie can handle it. No problem!

I'm afraid to ask what squeaker chickens are. The regular ones are wrecking balls on a garden!
I'll take my chances with the goddam rabbits :/
Tidings from my garden this AM with this latest release 🙂

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Posted by MikeECI posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here. Those of you who are members of both groups get to see it twice ?

Posted by MikeECI posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here. Those of you who are members of both groups get to see it twice ?

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Posted by MikeECI managed to overwinter three Eastern black swallowtail chrysalises in my unheated garage and released them about a month ago.

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