Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators

Raising monarchs and providing appropriate habitat for butterflies and other pollinators.

Raising monarchs and providing appropriate habitat for butterflies and other pollinators.

Posts Tagged "Present" By Leafhead (23) Posts by anyone

Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators
Apr 30, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by MikeEC
The beautiful Black Eastern swallowtail is present in most of the US east of the Rocky Mountains. Although they are not considered a threatened species like the monarch, I enjoy raising them from eggs, which are easier to spot than monarch eggs. The ...
Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators
Apr 24, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by MikeEC
A few notes about milkweed. I live in central Illinois, so keep in mind that depending upon where you live, types of milkweed best suited for your area may be different than mine. I first planted milkweed four years ago, about the same amount of ...
1 comment
Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators
Apr 2, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by MikeEC
Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle (FROM All insects change in form as they grow; this process is called metamorphosis. There are two kinds of metamorphosis, incomplete (or simple) metamorphosis, and complete metamorphosis. An example of...
Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators
Mar 12, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MikeEC
The monarch butterfly population has been in decline for several decades. The numbers today are less than 10% of what they were in 1960. There are two main reasons for this decline. First, is the use of herbicides and pesticides along with decreasing...

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Posted by TerriCitySulpher butterfly from caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.

Posted by TerriCitySulpher butterfly from caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.

Posted by TerriCitySulpher butterfly from caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.

Posted by TerriCitySulpher butterfly from caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.

Posted by LeafheadAsclepias sullivantii, the Sullivant's Prairie Milkweed. Taken at a way station in Middleton, WI

Posted by LeafheadCeropegia woodii Hoya carnosa Both plants bloom at night and attract lots of cool moths

Posted by LeafheadCeropegia woodii Hoya carnosa Both plants bloom at night and attract lots of cool moths

Posted by DAB456What kind is this? I think I know, but would like another opinion.

Posted by bigpawbulletsNot sure what these guys are. But suddenly we seem to be getting a few of them in the "Habitat":

Posted by bigpawbulletsSilly meme. But an attractive butterfly. Photoshopped or real?

Posted by MikeECI posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here. Those of you who are members of both groups get to see it twice ?

Posted by MikeECI posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here. Those of you who are members of both groups get to see it twice ?

Posted by LeafheadMy latest visitor to the feeder, a Hackberry Emperor

Posted by MikeECI managed to overwinter three Eastern black swallowtail chrysalises in my unheated garage and released them about a month ago.

Posted by MikeECI managed to overwinter three Eastern black swallowtail chrysalises in my unheated garage and released them about a month ago.

Posted by MikeECI managed to overwinter three Eastern black swallowtail chrysalises in my unheated garage and released them about a month ago.

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