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Wearing 3 guns in a grocery store... WTF for?!?

LuvLayne 7 July 1
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He had to pick up drinks and snacks for a three gun competition


He is overcompensating for his concave penis

briang75 Level 3 Jan 4, 2021

Dick smaller than drump's, no doubt. But who could tell under that diaper?


He's just proud of his religion and he's wearing the symbols of that religion.

BitFlipper Level 8 July 2, 2020

A real brave (not) cowboy??

JackPedigo Level 9 July 1, 2020

If someone with more fire power did confront him he's got a woman for a shield and there appears to be plenty of room for the load of shit he'd crap.

@silverotter11 Funny, ever notice how the 'big' guys always seem to have a personal arsenal and drive really big trucks? These 'big' men seem to have a bit of cowardice about them in needing something besides their size to protect them. Maybe if their brains were bigger they might think differently.


He is definitely the Long Ranger. He is looking for bad guys. He is jealous of their larger member and so he is making up for a lost cause.


Simple math ( Glock 17 , 17 ( 9 mm bullets ))< ( 3 (six shot revolvers)18 (357 mag bullets )) He's got the advantage ! He's actually doing it to piss you off and show you that he can legally do it .

Besalbub Level 8 July 1, 2020

What advantage, If I wanted him to be shot dead all I would have to do is shoot him. Do you think I would let a confrontation be fair? Shit now, he is too well armed to give any advantage to.

nra Bitch Alert!!!!!

@dalefvictor I guess you don't recognize the sarcasm . I wouldn't have a confrontation with someone like that . That's just what he's looking for , 3 guns and a second amendment t shirt , he wants someone to call the cops so he can prove that he's within the law . He's pissing people off and he's getting off on that ,especially when the meme goes viral .

@Besalbub Sorry, the thought these people put into anything is lost on me. I just wanted to say that it is stupid as they are all holstered and so the only chance he would have is if he was in a fair fight. I wanted to say that no gunfight is fair.

Just an added note of sarcasm. My first thought when I looked at that photo was, SHIT that guy's using his woman (ASSUMING she is his woman) as a shield. Tho if someone with more fire power did confront him there appears to be plenty of room to hold the load of shit he'd crap.

@silverotter11 I think the lady works for the grocery store and is doing a bank deposit the guy is the butcher who also does security for the bank runs .


Because he has no dick

bobwjr Level 10 July 1, 2020

Male ego, small penis.

Theresa_N Level 8 July 1, 2020

He is trying to intimidate people. What an insecure asshole!

No mask. No empathy for others.

Humans only intimidate when they are in Fear.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Amen!

@GipsyOfNewSpain Begs the question who does he fear? People of color, liberals/progressives or his government. Clearly he is never going to step outside his white bubble and probably enjoys his feeling of security against POC his guns bring him. Sad, though if he fears his government he clearly does not understand tanks.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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