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If the host of this group thinks the following post is inappropriate for here, I will gladly delete it then.

I have a question for those who identify as liberal and as a gun control activist. This is an honest question that I've been meaning to ask for some time now, and please only give straight answers minus the sarcasm, as I am not here to troll or harass anyone. For the sake of the question/argument about to be presented in this post, unless stated otherwise I will assume that each member of this group who is in support of gun control laws identifies as liberal Democrat or Independent.

My question is, how do you, the liberal gun control advocate rationally (keyword there being rationally) justify supporting both positions of being liberal and a gun control activist simultaneously? My reason for asking is, I contend one cannot simultaneously be in suppport of gun control measures while also claiming to be a liberal, as the actions behind each of those motivations are diametrically opposed to one another. The following are two good descriptions of the word liberal - 1. Willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

  1. Relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

With that said, most of you on here that know who I am have probably concluded that I'm one of the resident conservatives on this site, but truth be told I have long considered myself liberal, and in regards to the gun control debate I contend that the real liberals are those who do NOT support gun control legislation (like me), and that the gun control mindset is more in line with a dictatorial one similar to that of fascism. Admittedly, I am quite liberal when it comes to (American) private gun ownership, and believe each individual should get to decide what they want to own, minus Government getting involved in such.

It is worth pointing out that generally speaking gun control Democrats claim to suppport Federal authority over State, yet they have no qualms in using State power (aka, gun control legislation at state level) in order to achieve their agenda, which is hypocritical to say the least, but I digress, that's a whole other issue altogether.

I am curious to see (if any) the feedback this post may receive, and in the future I plan on asking the members in this group more related questions. As always, you the post viewer reserves the right to share your take on the matter, even if that means acting out in an uncivil or outright abusing manner, and if that be the case then I reserve the right to disregard such commentary. I strive to play fair, and no reason why we can't hold civilized debates and argue out our points, assuming said points can be logically and reasonably argued that is. Cheers all.

SpikeTalon 9 Nov 30
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I'm not sure what to call myself. Liberal, Progressive, Social Democrat... I believe everyone has the right to live how the want, within the perspective of not effecting others. If you was to be a bigoted, racist, homophobic asshole, it is your right. If you want to be the exact opposite, that is also your right. However, once your choices effect others, you no longer have that right.

So take guns. You want to own a gun, that is your right. You also have a responsibility to keep that gun from killing. It is a weapon, after all, and is your responsibility. The argument "a gun isn't a weapon, it is a tool" is one of the arguments that really infuriates me. Guns have one purpose, and that is to kill. All those who wish to own a gun need to understand that.

Also, most gun owners want that weapon for protection, right? So, I ask them these questions. their home, does it have reinforced doors, windows, or other means of entry? Do they have an alarm system? Have they built a panic room? Because if they haven't, they have not done everything possible to protect themselves. The mentality of shoot first and ask questions later comes to mind. And as for outside the home? if you think you need to carry a weapon to defend yourself, you might need to reevaluate your surroundings or where you go.

A vast majority of the crimes involving firearms committed in "Democrat controlled" metro areas (NYC, LA, Chicago for example) are done so with legally acquired firearms that are them brought into those areas. So yeah, local and state gun control laws don't work. But the Federal government won't do anything about gun control. So that is the best we have.

I have 26 years of responding to 911 calls for all types of violence. I can count on one hand the number of times I responded to an assault with a firearm. The unfortunate reality is I've dealt with more suicides by firearm than I care to recall. And yes, suicide by gun should absolutely be included in gun deaths. It is a gun that caused the death or serious injury to someone. It needs to be accounted for with respect to gun control.

In the end, there is also this: The disconnect you are asking about comes from a place where you think you have the right to defend your self, with a weapon. A sword is a knight's weapon. His offense. His shield is his defense. There is a huge difference.

Rignor Level 7 Nov 30, 2021

If you believe in the concept of live and let live, I'd call that liberal, which I'd consider a good thing.

Whilst I can mostly agree that gun owners need to properly secure their guns, it is not my fault if someone decides to break into my residence in order to steal stuff including guns, and proceed to use them in crimes. Most safes and vaults are not 100 % crackproof, so even if guns are locked away in one and a thug breaks in and steals it, won't do alot of good if said thug can crack the safe. What about accountability for the individual who stole the gun and used it in a crime? There seems to be no shortage of anger directed towards the gun owner in such scenarios, but not enough accountability directed towards the criminal who created the problem scenario in the first place, and I take issue with that. Being that I had never before used any of my guns to harm or kill another individual and that I mostly use my firearms for safe target shooting, I must disagree with your conclusion that guns are strictly a weapon meant for killing, as they clearly have other purposes besides maiming or killing.

As for home protection measures go, keep in mind that not everyone lives in a single residence that they own, some of us live in rented apartment complexes and I would not have the authority to setup certain measures you mentioned above. Suffice to say, I have taken some of those measures, and would take full advantage of all the above if I had lived in a single home that I owned. Not all gun owners have the mentality of shoot first and ask questions later, can't say I do. As for the need to carry outside the home, I'm still considering doing a post in this group explaining a personal story in regards to such situations, so I'm not going into that now for the sake of saving me some time.

Then that tells me gun control measures have and continue to fail, and thus we arrive to the reason why I do posts like this from time to time.

People reserve the right to end their own lives, it matters not how they do so, unless your reasoning is strictly for statistical purposes, but such should not be taken into consideration where gun control legislation is concerned, because at that point the situation would be ripe for abuse and what I refer to as "revenge legislation".

Care to elaborate a bit more there on the last part? I'd prefer a peaceful defense as opposed to an aggressive offense, but some folks would leave you no choice on the matter and force your hand. For what it's worth, I don't always carry wherever I go, sometimes I go out unarmed with only wearing a body armor vest, I would call that falling back on a decent defense. Like I mentioned above, I have reason for thinking and saying as I do based on direct personal experience, and as time allows me I'd like to share my story in this group. Also, as I had mentioned to @Pralina1 below that at one point I was a rather fanatical gun control advocate and in high school I did a lenghty essay on why I supported gun control legislation, so I have now been on both sides of this debate and there is damn good reason why I say what I say on the topic, as it is based on direct experience.

Thank you for taking the time to give feedback, much appreciated. Also thank you for answering in a civil manner and explaining your points clearly, that's more than what I can say for many others on this site who had responded to my posts in the past and who referred to themselves as "tolerant and liberal". Lastly, as was the case with Pralina below, I also noticed you didn't answer my original question in this post either, and you may or may not have a reason for doing so. Either way if you don't wish to answer that, I understand, all good. Cheers dude.


There are very few pro gun democrats left today so I find it kind of hard to be pro gun and support the liberal democrats. I can’t see how anyone could vote for Joe Biden who is a rabid gun control nut and promised to take on the NRA and call themselves pro gun.

Trajan61 Level 8 Nov 30, 2021

At times based on their actions, I don't think alot of those Democrats are truly liberal. Guys like you and me are liberal, liberal in the sense that we believe in the individual making choices for themselves as opposed to involving the Government into every problem. It astounds and concerns me to no end the people who claim to be liberal and yet support authoritarian actions or measures.


What is wrong with wanting to have better rules in place about guns ? Better rules for everyone’s safety .
What type of danger a regular citizen is worrying about that he / she needs a military weapon ?
Where the hell all these people with such weapons live that they feel so threatened ?
Ok . Let’s say is your right to own it bcz u like it . Alright . I like dogs . Do u know how many regulations are out there for walking your dog on the beach ? Like my 1.6 lbs dog is gonna tear apart who ? What is wrong with having better screening , better follow up , better assesmnts on owing weapons ?
The government also tell u that u can’t drink and drive . Bcz stupid things happen when u drink , and are involving more than just u . Is that wrong ?
In texas , u can’t drink and drive , but u can have a gun in a bar . I wonder what the fuck can go wrong there .
Teens and kids can’t buy guns ? But their poor attitude parents do . And when these guns end up in massive shootings in schools , then we wonder about “ trouble teen “. Yeah . Do u remember teenhood ? What can go around there 🙄, let’s add some easy access to guns 🙁
I think for many things , usa got her priorities wrong . I am tired hearing of “ freedom “ this and “ freedom “ that . Coming from Europe , most of times that makes me laugh . How many wars and what oppression usa went trough ?? Let the Greeks tell u what “ freedom “ means , 5000 years of fighting one asshole or another . And hello Germans 🤢
Who is coming here in America to get your land ? The Canadians ? Your neighboors ? An intruder in the house ? I thought that’s y police is ?
I don’t think it’s anybodys job to ask though y some people need guns . Fine . Can we at least consider that guns on wrong hands bring coffins in the picture , and regulations should be in place ?
Where I am from , r rules are simple . Oh u can drink and buy ciggarets at age of 10 if u want . Nobody cares . If u want to kill your self , not the government buisness to save u . No speed limit on highways . Enjoy your alpha romeo . But u ain’t driving legally at least until u are 21😂. Hopefully by then your hormones and stupidity gets some better self control . Bye bitch 🦇 . Voting , IS MANDATORY . Not optional . U live in the country , u can’t just not care . No voting = no passport . And without passport in Europe , u better as well as u die . Are these rules conservative to u or liberal ?
To us were just humane . Care about others , and know when your rights stop .
Is of all these shit that I typed makes any sense to u spike ? I am tired , but hey , I tried

Pralina1 Level 9 Nov 30, 2021

Why do we need more rules on guns. We have plenty of rules on guns already. Suicides shouldn’t even be counted as gun deaths like they are now as every person should have the right to end their own life.

What is wrong with having better rules in place? Criminals don't care about your rules which is why they are called criminals. Some of the biggest cities which are Democrat controlled and that have strict gun control measures in place also see some serious homicides by firearm. In Philadelphia alone this year there have been over 500 homicides by gun regardless of the fact that Philly is so restrictive you can't even order a slingshot online and have it delivered there. Yet, such laws have not stopped criminals. I have a personal story I could share with you later that could go a little deeper on the matter, but I don't have the time right now.

I see your point, but there already are strict gun control measures in most states, do you even have any idea what the average gun owner has to go through first before getting the new gun into his/her hands? You have waiting periods, background checks, licenses etc, and yet none of that seems to deter criminals.

Sounds like a parenting problem there. I grew up around and used guns, and never once did I shoot someone or myself. Never said there was anything wrong with the Government advising people of dangers related to either guns or drunk driving, what I question is just how effective is such? Last year there were over 110 million cases of alcohol-impaired driving accidents, despite the constant preaching from Government that drunk driving is bad. Their tactics don't appear to be working much.

Since when has banning anything made it go away permanently? We tried criminalizing recreational drugs, that hasn't worked out and created one hell of a black market. There was a time when gays could not get married, but did that stop them from getting together? There was a dark time when abortion procedures were outlawed, did that stop women from seeking out abortions? If anything, the laws at that time got women killed. Philadelphia has some strict gun control measures in place, but that didn't/has not stopped criminals and gangs from shooting each other up.

This isn't Europe. June of 2020 there were hundreds of BLM and ANTIFA protesters marching down my street, some of whom decided to pick a fight with my neighbor who was only minding his own business. Nevermind the fact ANTIFA has openly advocated for violence against anyone who does agree with their agenda, which is very concerning. When you've got a scenario involving hundreds of potentially violent protesters, that 30 round rifle sounds like a good idea to have on hand just in case. The fear and concerns on that matter are very real. Can't count on the police either, especially knowing the effort from many Democrats to defund police departments, and police are peace officers and not bodyguards, it is up to the individual to defend themselves.

I'm not disagreeing with you on the regulations part per se, I just question how much good is that really doing? Signs that say no guns allowed here or background checks have not done much to deter violent offenders.

Those you mentioned above are not inherently liberal or conservative, but rather if anything at all could maybe be considered authoritarian in nature, and again I ask... what good are your laws and rules if others will still circumvent such and commit crimes?

I know when my own rights stop, they stop if and when I attempt to impede on another's life and in particular by violent means. When you use your freedoms to negatively impact another, you deserve to lose yours then. Only thing is, I haven't nor desire to do that to another human being. With that in mind, as long as I remain peaceful and are not negatively impacting another, why should I lose my rights or face unnecessary restrictions? Is it really anyone else's business what I own?

As for what you typed making any sense to me, I can understand your points regardless if I don't necessarily agree on such, and I understand your commitment to what is humane, and any effort to go about things in a humane manner are certainly noble. As I am typing this response to you, please keep in mind that I was once like you in regards to the gun control debate, in my teens I was a raging gun control advocate, but as I got older and did some serious research on the topic, I changed my views based on evidence, with said evidence being that gun control legislation has largely failed and there's no guarantee that more of the same would solve the problem. The reason I do posts like this sometimes is to attempt to find reasonable solutions to the problems we face, solutions in which everyone would be satisfied. I say what I say for good reason. If time allows me to later tonight, have a story I'd like to share, and perhaps that would better help you understand why I take the stance that I take on the gun debate. Lastly, thank you for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated. You didn't really answer my question in the post above, how one could simultaneously claim to be both liberal and in support of what could be considered restrictive legislation where gun ownership is concerned, but if you don't wish to answer that's fine, I understand. Thank you for taking the time to give feedback.

@Trajan61 I certainly agree on the suicide part, does not make much sense. You're right about the rules too, but how do you convince someone otherwise who actually believes you could just waltz into a local WalMart lay your money down and a few moments later walk out of the store with a new gun? That's not reality, but try telling that to someone who has bought into the lies of the gun control lobby.

@Trajan61 By the way Trajan, I was recently browsing through various memes and came across a good one. Remember this one? While Star Wars may be fictional, that scenario is realistic in the sense that's how some evil people think, and scary it is.

@SpikeTalon That pretty well sums it up.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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