7 2

I don't care what you say, I know you would have a blast doing this stuff too. 😁👍

Captain_Feelgood 8 Dec 10
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I fired many weapons in training not for civilians

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 10, 2021

"not for civilians"... according to who? You? Sorry,,, you don't decide what weapons I can or cannot have. I know you and your ilk think a lot of yourselves, but I don't. You're as bad as the ass hats that think they can decide who you can sleep with, what you can or should put in your own body, what religious belief you have, if you can eat meat or not, or what kind of meat, , etc. Guess what, you don't have the right to tell me what I can do, own, eat, fuck OR SHOOT. GFY

@Captain_Feelgood What branch did you serve in gravy seals?

@bobwjr That isn't even a well thought out (much less grammatically correct) sentence. Sence when does someone have to serve in the military to know what their constitutional rights are, or have an opinion on what they can have in their gun safe? Thankfully, you and your ilk don't get to dictate any of these things.


I prefer to fix or make things instead of tearing things up. It's called adulting.

Lorajay Level 9 Dec 10, 2021

How do you make a salad without tearing up a head of lettuce? 🤣


Why would l care what this douche bag thinks? I don't believe thinking is one of his strong suits. He and people like him are part of the reason we are a second rate country and sliding on a downward trajectory.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 10, 2021

Not me .

Pralina1 Level 9 Dec 10, 2021

Would you at least wear the sweater if I get you one for Xmas? 🤣


Fuck u captain , that’s a no 😂

How r u doing with the loss of your dog . Are u ready for another best friend ?

@Pralina1 Well damn it, Pralina.... I can't send it back now... Guess I'll give it to my niece. At least SHE has good taste in Xmas sweaters. 😄🤣😁 And for the record, I still have my Pit Bull Tank keeping me company. (He's in the picture with me) We both miss Doc very much. I've decided to wait until Tank has passed and do some international traveling for a couple of years before getting another dog. I hate leaving them at home. Who knows, I may find a cute little rescue in some foreign land and bring it home with me. I'm a sucker for a cute, little furry face. 😉

@SpikeTalon Yeah, thanks.. Doc was quite the Teddy Bear for being a 150 Lb Rotty... That's the problem with those big dogs, they don't live nearly as long as the smaller ones. And I love having a big dog around. Oh well... Maybe I'll get another one someday.

@Pralina1 Love that movie by the way.


I absolutely enjoyed shooting some of the high-caliber equipment as part of military training. Don't think that's really the focus of this group, though. As much fun as it is to wield this sort of destructive power, is this really the sort of thing anybody needs in their home? Is this the sort of thing that should be available for purchase at a gun show, with only a credit card and no background check?

Are you against private sales of firearms?

Your response is exactly what I expected, thus making our discussion here exactly the focus of this group. So... "is this really the sort of thing anybody needs in their home?" Where would you expect people to keep their guns? At the Gun Bank, the Police Station, the shooting range? I have a farm with my own shooting range. Am I allowed to keep them there in my gun safe? "Is this the sort of thing that should be available for purchase at a gun show,"... You cannot buy a gun from an FFL dealer be it at a gun show or anywhere else without a background check. So, your point is moot. If Joe Shmoe has a gun to sell, he can take you out to the parking lot or back to his home and sell it to you without a problem. So, if you want to say all gun sales must be done with a background check, then fine. We can have that conversation, but to say, "Is this the sort of thing that should be available for purchase at a gun show, with only a credit card and no background check?" is just a BS question to begin with. So, if you want stricter gun laws controlling the sale of guns, okay, we can have that discussion. But then you have to ask yourself, who out there do these laws actually affect? Answer: Law Abiding Citizens... Criminals that are out there committing crimes with guns don't give a shit about any law you put on the books. So, there is the conundrum in a nutshell. Yes? There are plenty of laws out there to keep the bad guys from owning guns, but we're not letting the LEOs stop and search people and put them behind bars when they're caught with illegal guns. Hell, radical leftwing government officials won't even keep these hard-core thugs behind bars for anything anymore and let them out with no bail when they ARE arrested for anything anymore. Those of us that DO follow the laws are really just fed up with liberals that talk out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to laws and punishing criminals.
You seem like a reasonable guy. Hell, you apparently served in the military, so you can't be ALL bad.. 😎👍 So if you can touch on some of these points I've made and explain why you feel the way you do better, so it makes better sense, that would be much appreciated. Cheers

@Captain_Feelgood it’s serving in the military a “ plus “ and an indication that a person is probably “ good “?

@Pralina1 Maybe, and probably. 😁 I hope that helps.

@Captain_Feelgood your own range? That's the dream right there

@Tejas I truly am a lucky guy... 😊

@Tejas not when there's a paper trail, but I suspect that's an oft overlooked detail.


Seriously ? Maybe at age twelve.

Moravian Level 8 Dec 10, 2021

I'm still just a big kid at heart. Have fun being a grumpy old man. 😜😉👌

@Captain_Feelgood Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel said Samuel Johnson and trying to insult someone because of his age is the last refuge of the intellectually challenged. Fortunately I live in a country which is not awash with firearms and people who cannot use them sensibly so I have a good chance of living a bit longer.

@Moravian So "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"??? Wow... So, you think patriotism is a bad thing? Do you even know what patriotism is? If you do, I'm glad you're not an American. You just keep your ass right where it is, and we'll get along fine. (Like anyone with half a brain gives a fuck what a REAL scoundrel like Samuel Johnson thought. 🤣)

@Moravian I live in the USA an I have just as good a chance of living to a ripe od age as you do. In fact, I'm already old.

What you fail to realize is that it is not the gun, it is the criminals using it. Since I live in a very low crime area there isn't much to worry about.

P.S. I don't own gun.

@Alienbeing Good point. I haven't seen the age demographics for deaths from firearms but I would guess that younger people are more likely to die.I have traveled widely in the USA and always felt perfectly safe.
The difference between the UK and the US is that in the UK it is only the criminals who have the guns so it is easy to tell who the bad guys are.

@Moravian Your assumption is correct, gun related deaths mainly affect younger people.


I watch alot of demo ranch. Good stuff

Tejas Level 8 Dec 10, 2021

Yeah,,, I don't know his background, but he sure does have a passion for cool toys, and the means to obtain them. Gotta love his enthusiasm, and business sense. You know he's making pretty good coin just on his YT stuff. Oh well..

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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