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Mass stabbing in Canada leaves 10 dead and 15 wounded. Anti 2nd amendment proponents will tell you things like this don't/won't happen in a gun free society. This is becoming to be more false of a statement by the day. Just recently Canada bans handguns nation wide, leaving citizens at the mercy of criminals and crazy people.

Tejas 8 Sep 6
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I'm not very fast but I think I'd rather try and outrun a knife than outrun a bullet.

And if guns made us safer then the U.S. would be the safest country in the world.


Wait a minute! You are blaming this event on the fact that Canada has gun control? I shouldn't be surprised. Your username is the Spanish word for Texas.


One in Canada verses 100s of gun mass killings in the US, not a real comparison.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 7, 2022

I don't know any anti 2nd amendment people so I can't speak to what they believe, but I know a lot of people, organizations, and studies that reflect the benefits of gun control and none of them believe there's a way to totally eradicate violence. It would, however, have a tremendous impact on the outrageous number of mass shootings, murders, and suicides we have in this country.

You (and this video) seem to be implying that this killing is similar to a mass shooting, and it is not. The murders were done in a series of separate events over time, not in a group setting all at once. Every aspect of this video is comparing apples to bananas to produce a vege salad.

Lauren Level 8 Sep 7, 2022

If I may refer you to my last post in this group, where a single man killed 5 plus people with a knife in a single setting.

@Tejas Okay, I had missed that but I went back to read it. There was also a case of a Polish national who killed 6 of his family members/friends in France some years ago. Three of them were toddlers. It was horrendous. No one is arguing that violence can and does occur and, until society corrects many of it's ills, this will continue.

However, you are missing my point which is that random, singular killings with items that are not guns are practically inconsequential when compared to murders using guns. There were more than 300 mass killings with guns in the US in the first six months of this year. That excludes individual murders, accidents, and suicides. The number is much, much higher than that at this point. Once that's under control, we can focus on finding ways to stop murders utilizing other tools.


I was waiting for this kind of BS link and it was provided. One instance of a non-gun killing spree and suddenly all the mass killings by guns are reduced in seriousness. Sorry, I find this sort of thing beyond the pale.

My last post about a mass killing was a man with a knife and bow. Not to mention mass killings with vehicles.

@Tejas So if a few are considered mass what are the hundreds and even thousands considered, by guns!?

@JackPedigo a mass killing is defined where 4 or more people are killed and/or injured in an attack including the attacker

@Tejas Still didn't answer my question.

@JackPedigo I don't think there has ever been a mass shooting where hundreds or thousands have died ever.

@Tejas We are not talking about one incident but several over a short period of time. I am done with this chain.

@JackPedigo well by that logic throughout time I'm sure more people have been killed bladed weapons rather than firearms.


I don't think the Canada stabbings had anything to do with guns.

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 7, 2022

Try to keep up.

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