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LINK Boy, 5, among 9 kids injured in shooting at Georgia gas station

The victim count keeps rising and that ages of the victims keep getting younger and younger. 😒

I can't help but wonder what all of those, "Criminals will always find a way to get a gun." people use, in their heads, to rationalize the harsh realities of gun violence in America.

The mere number of incidents should dispell the outdated rhetoric about "good guys and guns" but given that has yet to sink in as complete fallacy, does make me wonder: how on earth do adults (those with fully formed brains, over the age of 25) reconcile the youth of America, being victims of gun violence, in any capacity other than accidental.

To actual think, let alone believe, that children are criminally minded before they can even drive a car, or more and more, before puberty, is so nonsensical that it's hard to compute why all of those "law abiding citizens" aren't taking to the streets en masses to DEMAND for gun law reforms. To DEMAND safe and sane gun laws immediately. Instead, they scream about 2nd Amendment rights, but don't even understand what the 2nd Amendment guarantees, let alone means and how it's been twisted and mutilated into a caricature of it's Constitutional guarantee.

So here we are. Our children having active shooter drills in school, asking for metal detectors at school entrances, refusing to go to school out of fear of dying before the 3rd grade, avoiding malls, grocery stores, parks, and now apparently gas stations.
Of 28,000 children polled (YouGov 01/15/2023) 86% simply want to live "until they're old." What is "old" in that poll? 24. (Gun violence will kill more children and young adults this year than all other causes of death combined, in America.)

But there's not a gun problem in America. The fastest growing demographic of victims of gun violence are those between the ages of 5 and 23 years. But ya know, they're just baby criminals that can't yet read or do multiplication yet have the wherewithal to purchase (or find) a firearm, learn how it works, and take to the streets. 🙄🙄🙄

SeaGreenEyez 9 Feb 18
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That incident thankfully did not claim any lives, and to claim otherwise would be a gross exaggeration. It appears there was some sort of party at a nearby location and it got out of hand and spilled over at that gas station. I'm willing to bet said party was most likely unsupervised and alcohol may very well have been present, which can be a deadly combination. Such begs the question where the hell are the adults at, someone should have been watching over those kids.- []

For the umpteenth time, the problem is not guns or what you perceive to be gun violence, there is only violent actions that may (or may not at times) include using guns. Even if somehow we could manage to remove all of the guns from society, the problem with youth violence would still exist and still pose a problem. Do we keep track of those murdered with other weapons and tools like knives or blunt instruments like baseball bats? Many people die each year by bladed weapons, but do we call that knife violence? Of course not, because the weapon or tool used would be beside the point, the violent intentions are what the problem really is. And yeah, criminals still will and do get their hands on guns regardless of the laws, with big help from the thriving black markets.

If it wasn't for so many restrictive laws, there would be more good guys with guns, and certainly more random shooting incidents stopped dead in their tracks. If one actually took the time to research this stuff properly and from an unbiased position, one would find no shortage of documented incidents of good guys who were armed and saved their lives and the lives of others from crazed criminals bent on causing harm to others.

So you don't believe young kids can hold criminal tendencies? If so, I'd like to invite you here to the city of Allentown or Philadelphia and I could show you just how serious of a problem youth crime and violent gangs really are. That's no joke, and it's truly naive for anyone to think that young kids absolutely could never be prone to criminal tendencies. This was a good story that took place last year, and you can't blame the guns that time, and is proof that young kids can be and are capable of violently criminal deeds, and I do mean sick and depraved at that, and I defy anyone to try to claim otherwise.- []

Did you ever stop to think that alot of that is needless fearmongering, and kids often times believe whatever adults tell them when it comes to situations like that. Maybe perhaps cut down a bit on the scaremongering and maybe these kids won't feel so paranoid. Their odds of getting killed in a car accident are higher than getting killed in school.

That can't yet read or do multiplication? I could do both by age eight, as I'm sure many other ones that age could as well. Do you really think young kids are either that stupid or helpless? If I had to, by age six or seven I could have fired a gun, as from an early age my father taught me how to shoot and gun safety protocol. Street drugs and guns are all too common a thing here in the city, and somehow even really young kids can get their hands on such, all they have to do is pick a few pockets during the local Fair or carnival or steal money from their parents or even other kids, and that's the reality we live in. Guns aren't the problem, never were, and before 1986 many citizens owned fully automatic firearms and yet mass shootings were rare back then. Nevermind the obvious fact most crimes involving gun usage involved handguns and not those dreaded assault rifles, but that little fact doesn't matter to the gun control crowd though.

SpikeTalon Level 9 Feb 18, 2023

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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