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We don't have to ban certain kinds of guns, that is going to be a hard thing to do. Instead we can get companies to just stop making them, and have the same result.

MikeFlora 7 Aug 13
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I'm not sure how you'd do that.
But, with the drastic reduction in cnc capable machinery costs, it would simply drive the production of those types of weapons underground. I'll use myself as an example since I'm not interested in breaking laws & endangering my excellent working relationship with ATF.
I've a "Smithy" brand multi-machine tool designed for precision metal work. It's much like my ShopSmith multi-tool for woodworking. Both CNC capable. I can, in my single bay garage workshop, crank out all the "assault rifle", "submachine gun", high capacity semi-automatic pistols, all equipped with suppressors, you'd need to arm a light infantry platoon in less than a week. And I'm just an average hobby-gunsmith. So, stopping production at Colt, Remington, and other major firearms manufacturers would in fact, make the situation worse. My opinion only, of course.

Going from thousands a day to 20 or 30 is still a huge drop in availability.

That's just one guy. Driving an industry, even a splinter, special interest one underground won't get rid of it. Demand for the product will drive the number of manufacturers.

@bigpawbullets Not if there is a alternative weapon that, while not a first choice, can fulfil the need.

True that. It's actually quite a good point. The mystique of the "assault rifle". Remove that from the equation. Would the "lone wolf" young man, outcast and/or bullied, potential shooter simply not act out if the only weapon was a bolt action rifle or double barreled shotgun. Hmmmmm.

@bigpawbullets Probably not, but less people might get shot.


Wouldn't that mean you need to destroy capitalism? Because if the demand is there then so will a supply of any goods or services.

Lancer Level 7 Aug 13, 2018

I'm not talking all guns, just the ones that do the most damage.

Well a trained person with a low calibre rifle has the potential to do more damage than an untrained person with a high calibre rifle. So skill is one factor. Also hunting rifles are larger calibre than an AR-15 so surely they would be the first to target.

This whole idea of more powerful is quite abstract since it won't stop the majority of shootings anyway. It won't even come close.

@Lancer Do the most damage, doesn't necessarily mean the most powerful.
I read a article the other day about a English sniper now has the record for the longest kill shot 2.2 miles, that doesn't even seem possible. It did say he had a spotter that was doing the calculations for him

It's definitely possible. I talked to an SAS soldier who told me that the biggest threat to British soldiers during the Afghan war was Enfield rifles. They were given to the Afghans by the British to fight the Russians but due to the circumstances the Afghans who had trained since they were children to shoot this rifle were so accurate that they could pick off British troops from a mile away without any scopes, they were so used to long distance shooting which compensated for the wind, humidity and other factors that it became instinctual to them.


It's a nice thought, but unrealistic. Before (and even slightly after) the weapons import ban, you could buy an AK-47 for about $100 USD. Around that time it was the weapon of choice for mass shootings. Now it's the AR-15. Not trying to be a troll, just stating facts.

Take Care,


It is possible, just would take time before it had any real impact.


How or why would companies decrease their profit?

Not asking to stop all guns being made.

@MikeFlora I get that, you're still asking them to decrease profits.

@educatedredneck Not necessarily, they can make more of the other kinds of guns, they could make more money selling more of the other guns.

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