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For those who think we don't need guns, watch this:

noluck33 3 Dec 6
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We Don't!!!


The more I get told that people who want sensible gun safety and restrictions are just coming to take them away the more I'm convinced that maybe we should, because more and more these people look like paranoid psychopaths


There is a concept called Conflict of Interest. That means those who stand to gain (usually financially) will push their agenda harder than others. They will come up with all kinds of BS, threats and name calling or whatever it takes. They are part of what is known as 'special interest groups'. Many, who want certain things as safety, hope for the present and future, a caring community or just peace are part of the 'general Interest (meaning inclusion for all). The gun nuts are definately the first category and don't really give a crap about anyone but themselves and theirs. The simple fact that we are the most violent developed country in the world, by far, has no bearing on their pea brains.
I watched a couple of minutes and heard absolutely nothing new. Same old hash and rehash from these people!!!

@noluck33 Thanks for proving my comment. Name calling is just a cover-up for a lack of reasoning power.

@noluck33 I never could understand this argument. who is going to take away what? From where I stand, gun nuts are usually right wing. Right-wing are normally Pro America, the Constitution is the greatest piece of literary work, the military men have made the greatest sacrifice on Earth, blah blah blah...... yet the right-wingers are the first ones to need an Arsenal to protect themselves from when our government comes to steal all their possessions. If the military was to come for you, all of the guns that you could accumulate would not do you any good. The military has the power to wipe out your neighborhood and every surrounding neighborhoods within miles before you even knew what happened. Or is it just the entire human race that is against you and trying to kill you and your family and steal all of your possessions?

@Kojaksmom Thank you. This is called deep paranoia. I suspect it might, for many, start in childhood with a dominating parent, usually the father. Perhaps VictoriaNotes could share some studies.
It's a shame the comments from noluck33 were removed as they show how some people think and I think it might help the group see this.


Ted is da'man !!!!!!...... For a stereotype rocker, even when opinionated, hate him or love him, he is articulate and usually bring out of the box discussions to the table.

IamNobody Level 8 Dec 6, 2018

Please, Ted is always full of shit and does nothing but pontificate about himself. He offers NOTHING to any conversation.

@Redheadedgammy Since you said please... ?????

@IamNobody thank you, I think....Lol

@Redheadedgammy I see, you don't speak sarcasm


Sorry can't even watch this video Nugent is a huge pile of shit.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Dec 6, 2018

@noluck33 I've been living on this fucking earth for 52 goddamn years .so far so goddamn good. Why does everything have to be shoot and kill? Why does every human being on the face of the Earth have to be seen as a major threat ? There are other methods of self-protection . ever think about that? I'm a female and I live alone and I'm still not half as terrified as most of you gun freaks are. If you ask me you gun freaks are the chickens.


The anti-gun people in the U.S. for the most part are not trying to take away everyone's guns. Nugent does not make any sort of compelling argument whatsoever. Comparing water with guns is moronic.

The U.S. has mass shootings on a weekly basis and school shootings every year. Europe has twice the population of the U.S. but a small fraction of the gun violence. Australia heavily restricted guns in 1996 and again in 2002 and their murder rate has dropped to record low (about 1 in 100,000 compared to U.S. average of about 5.4 in 100,000 with highest being 12 in 100,000 in Louisiana).

More guns is not the answer. More guns would not have prevented any of the mass shootings in the U.S. and likely would have simply added to the body count.

The vast majority of people have never been shot at. When people are scared they panic and make poor decision. Add the chaos of a large crowd and it gets worse. You hear gunfire, see people falling to the ground with gunshot injuries, you see people with guns... who do you shoot? How can you tell the BAD gunman from the GOOD gunman? Gunfire erupts in a DARK movie theater and you're armed. Do you shoot blindly into the dark and hope you don't hit an innocent person?

The U.S. has an infestation of guns. There's nearly as many guns in the U.S. as people. We can't make them magically disappear. But we can restrict the sale of the more dangerous guns, restrict the number of guns people can own, restrict the amount of ammunition people can own, and restrict the availability of ammunition. This would at least be a start.

Mass shootings have become part of our culture now. If we continue to do NOTHING, which is exactly what happens after each mass shooting, then there will absolutely be more mass shooting, more school shootings, more domestic terrorism by our own citizens.

There probably isn't a perfect solution to the problem, but endless debate and arguing, thoughts and prayers aren't going to help. We either make sensible gun laws that start the process of quelling the flood of guns in this country or we sit back and do nothing and wait for the next inevitable massacre.

@Elganned Thank you. I don't mind if you share it. 🙂


ted nogent... that says it all.


What a self- absorbed, sickening, piece of shit.

nvrnuff Level 8 Dec 6, 2018

No thanks, Ted has nothing to say that I would be interested in hearing.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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