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I'm deeply interested in how we can effectively change the minds of those who hold sharply contrasting points of view with regard to solutions of gun violence in America. Rational argument is limited and, in fact, can have an opposite effect of persuasion. There's a phenomenon called biased assimilation in which people automatically give more weight to information that supports their existing bias and less weight to information that contradicts it. Another phenomenon is called echo chamber where a person is so deeply entrenched in their point of view that no amount of evidence could persuade them otherwise.
Question: Do you think that engaging with conservatives on this topic can be beneficial or is it like pissing in the wind?

Jesusluvsu 6 Mar 8
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Same as in politics and on social media. Most people have their views and surround themselves with others who have the same viewpoints. We are no longer really in a society that can define what an actual debate is and how it should be conducted, much less have willing participants. If you can't have a logical and emotionless (or as close to it as possible) conversation, and then be willing to see it from the other's side of view, it will continue as is, or more likely, become even less civil than it is now.

LizL Level 5 Mar 13, 2018

It's pissing in the wind when you talk to gun owners and the only thing on their minds is "coming for my guns". Nobody is disarming you based on your second amendment right for Americans. However the conversation should begin with at what age should you be able to purchase a gun such as an AR-15 (and yes some of us understand there are many weapons out there just like an AR-15)? How do you stop the loopholes on purchasing weapons at gun shows and such? How do we update the NICS system to be useful to keep weapons out of the hands of idiots and nutjobs? But I hear, "if they make the age 21 what's next, 25"? How do you talk to someone with that mentality? We Americans think we have it all figured out when it comes to things like education, healthcare, and morality. We have a habit of standing still while the rest of the world passes us by.

Darthpug Level 7 Mar 10, 2018

Nothing is going to change until we elect a whole congress full of people who act on facts, not on politics.

Nebroxah Level 6 Mar 10, 2018

The whole argument has to be reframed somehow. The challenge is getting people to consider nuances. What does the second amendment actually mean? It is not just a blanket authorization for weaponry of any kind. But the "left" and "right" tend to call each other names rather than attempt an appeal to reason. For example, people who deny global warming aren't in favor of drought. They are afraid of losing a certain way of life.

BobbieK Level 4 Mar 10, 2018

Mostly the second option. The conservatives have been able to bully their way on this issue. There are so many connections with guns and institutions. I just learned the NRA gave grants to schools for shooting classes and the Junior ROTC program. They also give even more to the Boy Scouts and other clubs. As more information comes out more people become concerned and back away from this vile group. The sane among us need to take over and remove the influence of the fear and death pervayers. Once out of the majority group-think I think some of these people might see the light. Changes in attitudes and words turned the gay community around and this will be needed to get changes in how people view guns.


We get the money out of politics and a lot of this garbage stuff will disappear. Koch brothers already dumping $400 million into a campaign for Congress? With more to come? The ads that sell Bounty will be selling Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, and Paul Ryan.


Well both sides of the argument have their own echo chamber. The Pro-Gun people know a lot about guns and are basically saying that they want to be able to defend themselves. It also makes sense since the police can't be everywhere and even if they arrive (usually after 5-10 min) they don't always work effectively. Hence why they believe that they would prefer to protect themselves and their children rather than rely on the police. The Anti-Gun people don't know a lot about guns and just want everybody to be equally defenseless. Disarming the general population out of a knee-jerk reaction and spreading fear through propaganda. True they use some relevant evidence like mass shootings but they only make up around 2-3% of all gun deaths in the US per year (I think, can't remember for sure). This side uses more emotion like in the CNN town hall televised "discussion" where they allowed anti-gun opinions thrive and conservative opinions were not allowed. The anti-gun people seem to justify their actions by believing in the police and government to protect them, when in reality laws are pieces of paper and police officers can't always be there. This group prefers to make the government responsible for their short comings, delegate their personal responsibilities to protect their own lives. Until these groups try to have a respectful discussion with the aim of making some compromises and coming to an agreement. This debate will not get anywhere. Fear and propaganda from both sides is what stops this. Personally I believe that every individual is responsible for their own safety, which is why I learnt a martial art and keep myself relatively fit, remain aware of my surroundings, etc. I take my life seriously, however many people do not, they wholeheartedly rely on the police (which is irresponsible). The world is a dangerous place, not because of guns but because of certain people. Criminals are not going to change because 1) no body is interested in changing criminals and 2) it is costly and inefficient. Responsibility for your life and the lives of love ones is what makes a person an adult. But if people neglect their responsibilities then they are taking a risk and shouldn't be surprised when innocent people die. If my child showed signs of mental illness that would lead to them shooting up a school then I would stop them. Whether that means admitting them to a mental hospital, breaking their legs or locking them in a room I don't care. I wouldn't want my child to harm another person. @Trajan61. I know it's a bit harsh at that last part but I'd rather ruin 1 life than 30 others.

Lancer Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

@Hugh You're welcome. I know this won't be a popular opinion since it kind of attacks both sides but to be honest, the only way this problem will be solved is by finding a middle ground. I personally enjoy target shooting and would prefer to be armed for self defense, even if it's just a pistol with rubber bullets. But that's just because I've seen and been in some dangerous situations in my life. The only reason people arm themselves is because they have experienced or know someone who has experienced violence against them. Whether it be someone trying to abduct their child or break into their home. Everyone has a right to decide what is best for them and their family.


I don't think it's up to them anymore. We have tried to engage with them. We have proposed sensible gun regulations. The response after every massacre is, "Thoughts and Prayers," and "Don't take my guns." The very moderate and sensible piece of gun legislation passed by Obama, the only piece of gun regulation passed since Clinton in the 90s, to my knowledge, was to prevent people receiving Social Security for mental health issues from obtaining guns. It's hard to get social security for mental illness. Most of the people who receive it have severe and pervasive mental health issues, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with manic psychotic episodes. They are not capable of working or caring for themselves. That they should not have guns should not be controversial, and yet Trump overturned it almost immediately after he took office. America is broken. They youth are taking over. I say let them.

Kris725 Level 5 Mar 9, 2018

Pissing in the wind. Reality and scientific facts seems to elude them even though many are otherwise bright, reasonable people. I find it futile to engage in a serious dialogue. Through the decades and thousands of conversations, I know of no opinions that were reversed. I'm sure conservative gun owners asking that question would receive like response from their supporters. Committed tribalism.

TommyRyan Level 5 Mar 9, 2018

I think it is time to go straight to the source. Go to the gun stores and ask them nicely to stop selling assault weapons, and if they say no tell them nicely thanks for giving us your time and leave peaceable. The next day put 500 people in their parking lot till they see the light. Keep a news crew with you and they will keep you safe. Nobody will mess with you if they think it's going to be on the evening news. Keeping it on the evening news will worry the shops you haven't been to yet.

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

For a minority of people it is pissing in the wind. The good news is they are the minority. I believe the tide is changing. Opportunistic, unprincipled politicians just have to realize it is not in their interest to continue to be paid puppets for the NRA.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 9, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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