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I just joined this group because I obviously believe in gun control laws.Will it happen in the next 20 years? I doubt it. Considering the "If not after Sandy Hook" question, what can possibly happen that will change the thoughts of those who sided with the NRA? We are talking about mature, mostly moral, not unintelligent individuals who, I am sure, reflected deeply on the situation but still chose a possible perpetual career(should they keep their constituents happy) over a remedy that could possibly prevent the slaughter of more 6 year old children and others. These selfish employees of ours, all of whom have families, have to sleep with that decision, but nonetheless, continue to walk in the footsteps not unlike those of Adolf Hitler. POWER! ! Is a concience that easy to escape? For some, I suppose it is. For those of us who consider that up vote for the gun manufacturing industry unimaginable, oh well. It is difficult for us to understand how others can't or don't view the severe discomfort of of having so many anonymous gunsights potentially pointing in the direction of the innocent.What can we do? Will a change in all the branches of government make a difference? This year? In two years?
In ten years or twenty years? I hope so, but with greed and income inequality continuing to increase, I, for now, will regrettably have to live with my original, dark futured conclusion:will gun control laws change. I DOUBT IT....I truly hope that I'm wrong.

TommyRyan 5 Mar 8
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I think it will happen once the multiple or frequent shootings reach a "critical mass" and enough people pile on the reasonable control bandwagon. Sufficient revulsion didn't materialize after Columbine or Sandy Hook, but I think it's gaining some traction. The electorate is changing, and I think younger voters - assuming they vote - will have an impact. Also, is a "Mothers Against Drunk Driving" type movement that changes social perceptions may occur. The press has done a poor job of revealing the NRA for what it is, and if that changes, the momentum will accelerate. We'll see, but don't despair.

BobbieK Level 4 Mar 12, 2018

Even if gun laws change, will people change? Guns have existed for around 500-600 years. Humans have killed each other for an infinite number of reasons from ideological clashes to stealing a pair of sneakers. This has been happening since the dawn of human civilization. So let's just assume 10 000-50 000 years. Have we stopped killing each other? No. Because laws don't mean anything to criminals who can easily get a hold of an illegal gun. Drugs, guns and many other illicit items come from Mexico. So the supply of guns for criminals will still be present. But the average American people will experience a rise in gang crime, home invasions, stabbings, rapes, etc. Just like Australia did. Funny thing is, Hitler took the guns away from the German people so he would be able to weaken any resistance to his army. Yes, mass shootings are horrible. But is making everyone into a victim the right choice? Yes, an AR-15 can be used to kill many people in a short amount of time. But so can a car, a bomb, an arson attack. There are hundreds of ways people have killed people without guns for centuries. So if the people don't change then what will taking away guns do? Personally I agree with some gun laws but as with everything. I believe that if someone (the NRA and regular legal target shooters, hunters or farmers) wants to have a hobby, I have no right to take it away from them. If someone wants to defend them self from criminals, I have no right to take it away from them. So when someone wants to be a victim, I have no right to say no to them, but don't make the rest of us victims as well. @Trajan61

Lancer Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

I am the host of this group, and I don't need Washington to get rid of assault weapons. There might be 5 million people in the NRA, but that still leaves over 300 million. If I can get just 10% to think the way we do, that's 30 million people, 6 times the NRA. Put 500 people in the parking lot of guns stores after you ask them nicely to stop selling assault weapons, and then get it on the 6'o clock news. Do this every day and it won't take them long to see the light. Every time you're on the news makes the gun stores you haven't been to yet a little easier to deal with.

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

I hope you're wrong too, but I also have serious doubts. We have to keep trying tho, or we are as complicit.

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 9, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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