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Disturbing News.
First a little background. In the country there exist what is known as National Monuments [] Our area has 1,000 acres list as a national monument all of which is on BLM land. We have an office on Lopez with a director (Nick) and a manager (Marcia). When I ask to see the boss each points a finger at the other (Marcia is the boss). I am a main volunteer and manage the group listing (last year we had some 16 groups/individuals). Last night I was talking to a couple who run the LICC group (Lopez Island Conservation Corp.- young volunteers mainly HS age) and they said that shortly a bill will be passed allowing guns and even semi-automatic weapons in the protected areas. Many areas are also open for hunting but as there are also trails in these areas no rifles or handguns are allowed (only shotguns, muzzle loaders and bows). When hunting season is here we have to leave orange vests and a warning sign at each trailhead.

Through readings, experiences and conversations I have a good idea of what is driving this issue. But it is something I will not discuss here as it will be seen as too controversial and I have butted my head against the wall on this issue before. If someone is willing to have a reasoned/evidenced based discussion fine. Otherwise, don’t bother.

JackPedigo 9 June 8
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ameriKKKan Forward Thinking ain't Forward in the 21st Century.


Are the protected areas also included in the hunting areas?

Yes, because the hunting areas are near some of the protected areas (the protected areas are not large [] Trails through the protected areas go near the hunting areas. I don't think this is about hunting but just about being armed on public property.

@JackPedigo I am puzzled about what point you are trying to make. I don't live in that area. Are you against hunters?

@Unclehotrod It's not about hunters but weapons being used in areas that people are touring. It is about the gun nuts imposing their agenda on public property that is supposed to be about safety and protection. Its about the conservatives pushing their warped ideals on others. There is absolutely no reason for this outside of some limited hunting during a short season. Guns do not belong in public parks. I think if we knew this would happen we would not have worked to get this designated as a national monument.


I find it most curious that the ones who clamor for gun control the most, never seem to make the mental connection between the facts that these supposedly random mass shootings always take place in "gun free zones" and the shooters almost always wind up dead so no one can ask them why they did it! And if they do survive the event, we never hear any "reporter" ask them questions like that! How come?
As to guns not belonging in public parks, why not make the government workers surrender THEIR guns then when going in there too then? Are they some kind of god who is infallible and we should be worshiping? Do any of them get some kind of special training that makes them safer with their weapons of choice? Why can't everybody get that training then?
There are MANY ways for someone to cause harm and grief to others, are we going to ban all of them too? How about the thoughts of doing harm? How can you get rid of that one?
Wringing your hands and wetting your bed over the issue of violence in society is NOT going to solve that problem, and neither will banning guns, because once you have knowledge in a subject, it's yours to keep for as long as you want to.


@Logician First off none of the rangers or volunteers in the local National Monument are armed. The British police used to be unarmed but the proliferation of guns in their society necessitated they having to arm themselves. I see the connection between gun-free zones and shooting misdirected. It sounds like there should be no gun free zones which is absurd. I also feel those government employees authorized to carry guns have gotten training (most anyway).
The last 2 items lost me completely.
My connection was not about guns, per-se, but anger on both sides. There is simply too much emotion and very little, if any, evidence based reasoning in why this issue has polarized our society as it has.

@Logician I don't have to worry about some kid finding my car and running ovrt his little sister with it. That argument to ban everything that can hurt people is so old, can't you people think up some new dumbshit.

@Logician, @JackPedigo That is the problem, this is a VERY emotional subject, we don't like to see innocent people die, and they think because it's in the bill of rights, it allows them to own as many, and as many different kinds of guns they want too without any regulation or oversight. Just like Dickhead here, they don't want us to even talk about gun control.

To me, good gun control is using both hands to steady it! If you REALLY do think that society would be a safer place without guns in it, then why don't you put up a big sign in your front yard, one that lets the whole world know that you live in a gun free home?
Why not start with disarming the military and various police agencies? Oh, is it because you know that the criminals, you know, people who break laws, won't comply and give up THEIR guns too??
What part of "Shall not be infringed" don't you understand?
Are you next going to tell me what foods and drinks I may enjoy? Which days of the week I can use my car and which ones I have to either ride share on or take a bus or taxi? You can talk about restricting my right to keep and bear arms all you want to, or what size house I have to live in, etc. But don't go and tell me that I'm wrong or a bad person because I don't subscribe to your insane idea that curbing gun ownership among good and honest people is going to keep bad and dishonest people from getting guns!! If you could think on a subject for just one minute, hold just one thought in your mind for that long, you would see just how ludicrous your position really is!

When I was about 12 years old, a kid who was about 8 and lived across the street from us got into his parent's car and took it out of Park. The car began to roll backwards out of the driveway, and in a panic, he tried to jump out of the car. It ran over his leg when he tripped and it broke his femur! There was a kid about 14 down the street who thought that he could drive a car, even though he'd only watched his mom do it. He took the car around the block and lost control, running up the curb and hitting my brother's van parked in our driveway. Then, he backed up the car and ran it into a tree one house down on the other side of the street before bailing out of it. So now, what do you think about kids and cars?? We should ban cars or limit who can have them because some dumb kids can't keep their hands off of them?


Wow...poignant cartoon...I'll be sharing on FB!

Robecology Level 9 June 8, 2019

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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