9 6

Good grief! Missouri man annoyed by fireworks shoots a 12yo, a 16yo who had attempted to intervene, and an adult neighbor who sheltered two even younger children. Then another neighbor shot the shooter ...

vertrauen 7 July 9
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@Arouet, @Redheadedgammy, @GipsyOfNewSpain, @bobwjr

The man may have been from Missouri originally, but the clash occurred in Illinois (near East Saint Louis). This makes the headline a little bit misleading.

A number of respondents to this story have apparently assumed that the people involved were white (using such loaded words as "Crackerville," "[white?] privilege ... inbreeding", "ameriKKKa" and "sundowner towns" ). Maybe they were all white, but that isn't especially likely because Washington Park, IL, where the incident occurred (4700 block of Caseyville Ave) is 92% African American according to the most recent census.

Maybe the shooter was of a different race from the children, maybe he wasn't; we just can't tell from the story. Without that information we shouldn't make assumptions either way.

I'd wager that the original shooter has already had some red flag incident(s) that ought (in a sane country) to preclude his owning a gun in the first place. Like @MojoDave correctly asked, who pulls a loaded gun on children??? (... then I think of Tamir Rice ...)

vertrauen Level 7 July 10, 2019

It never actually occurred to me that there was a race factor in this. I guess I am not sufficiently sensitive to the subtle nuances that might be obvious to someone living in the USA.

@Arouet Interesting. Sort of the same in reverse as it didn't cross my mind that you might be a non-American using a term you didn't know the full meaning of. Maybe you've googled it now, but, yeah, "crackers" is a disparaging term for white people, so your term "Crackerville" would mean a dairy white small town somewhere in the rural US. It's not as seriously offensive as the n-word for African Americans, though, so don't sweat it.


All's well that ends well; everybody who needed to be shot, became shot. Nobody's gun jammed; nobody ran out of ammo. Freedom triumphed and Crackerville is once more safe for democracy. EeeeeHaa.

Arouet Level 7 July 10, 2019

Inbreeding..........privilege...........guns what could possibly go wrong.


Only in ameriKKKa.... The James Gang hit town!!!! Reminds me infamous John Wesley Hardin shot a man for snoring too loud. Of course... Hardin denied the Event ever happened in Texas town Marshalled by Wild Bill Hickok.


Yeah lot of whack jobs there during the 50s had the most sundowner towns in the country( blacks couldn't be there after sundown or risk death or injury)

bobwjr Level 10 July 9, 2019

I can't see how it can be anything except mental illness! Why in the world would you point a loaded gun at children? 😡

MojoDave Level 9 July 9, 2019

These people are mad and the politicians who don't lift a finger to even slow the carnage are even madder.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 9, 2019

Our country is on the Road to Perdition


Missouri is right there with TEXASS for the percentage of Fucking Nut Jobs .
Also another state that I am staying the Hell away from .

GEGR Level 7 July 9, 2019
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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