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Find it somewhat amusing that we have gun supporters who have joined this group ( you know who you are) who last week were moaning over at the conservative athiest group that gun control had so many more members than them.

diabhal 7 Mar 17
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Gunners seem to infiltrate every gun control group. I interact with them in my local city newspaper's page. They just keep repeating the same old mantra(s) about law-abiding citizens, and how their guns protect me (in a dream). I don't believe I am convincing anybody, but it seems that more-and-more people who agree with me feel free to express themselves.

BitFlipper Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Any body is welcome here as long as they are civil. The problem is they tend to attack hard and twist things to suit their needs. The worst part is they don't want to give up one bullet. As a rule they refuse to compromise in any way what so ever, and make it sound like we want to get rid of all guns. They like to deflect to other stuff that kills people, like cars or knives they should be banned also. I have been arguing with these people from day 1. The argument is the same every time, along with the sarcastic insults. Just go with it. I know what the truth is, and I also know I don't need Washington to get assault weapons off the street legally. And the NRA is absolutely the Big Bad Wolf and then some. People are walking into schools and shooting kids and nothing happens because the NRA owns Washington. That sounds more like the devil to me.

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 17, 2018

If it weren’t for the NRA we would have lost our 2nd amendment rights long ago. Hell we already have 4 judges on the US Supreme Court who do not believe the 2nd amendment gives ordinary citizens the right to own firearms.

@Trajan61 All the 2nd amendment says is if you are part of a state militia you have the right to bear arms. That's all, it doesn't say one way or the other about the rest of us, just if you are in a state militia you have the right to own a weapon.

Five judges on the US Supreme Court don’t agree with your interpretation and neither do I. @jayneonacob


Maybe they should form their own group with their own beliefs.


Chill mate. We are all human.

When the Nazi party were gaining the majority of supporters and a few people rejected it, they were beaten down into submission and silenced. Then you know the rest.

Just because the majority of people agree with something doesn't mean it is the right call.

Also seeing as people with guns know a lot more about guns than people without them, I find it strange that they wouldn't be on the gun control now, forum. You wouldn't ask a doctor about criminal law and you wouldn't ask a politician how to prepare a 3 course meal for 300 dinner party guests. So why would you talk about gun control with people who don't know anything about guns. Isn't that only logical?

Gun owners aren't the enemy and the NRA isn't the big bad wolf. We are just people, like you.
We just don't want to be defenseless in a violent society. I, being Australian, am defenseless by law. I can't defend myself without the possibility of being charged with assault.

So we just need to chill and have a nice chat between the 2 different pro and anti gun control factions.

Lancer Level 7 Mar 17, 2018

@diabhal Why would you put people with no ethics on a jury to decide the fate of a criminals unethical behavior? The idea was that you appoint the right person for the job, you ask people who are knowledgeable on the subject who will make educated decisions.

Also Gun control in Australia is so overboard that we have good senators trying to make it easier for law abiding citizens to take up shooting as a hobby. The government unjustly took thousands of guns off people by telling them that they would be arrested if they didn't hand them in. Family heirlooms, gifts, beautiful and artistic pistols and rifles smashed and cut as if they were scraps of metal. That is unethical and wrong, the government should have thought more about how they implemented their policies, because turning law abiding citizens into criminals just because they want to shoot is the wrong thing to do.

Also gun crime isn't really down in AUS. We just hide it better.



It was hard to find them since they mainly reside in newspapers. None of these got onto the national television channels.

Liberal media has an agenda to disarm the public, fair enough. But please just realize that the liberal side of the debate doesn't want any opposition from the people. They can't engage in corruption safely unless the public is disarmed.

I think you're forgetting the fact that this information has been DELETED from online search engines.

So BLATANT and OBVIOUS corruption of information is the real issue here. INTENTIONAL filtering of information!!!

What is it with you people? Have you forgotten how to think for yourselves and not trust others?

I am trying to tell you, the information that was available 5-10 years ago has been REMOVED intentionally by liberal search engines like google.


You are one of the few sensible ones in this group. The people here never consider the fact that the chances of being shot by a mass shooter here in the US are very very small and that less than 1% of crimes are committed by semi auto rifles. Also we have to remember that in the UK and Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself against a criminal who breaks into your house with a gun and therefore are more likely to be a victim whereas here in the US you do have that right. Also here in the US most states allow concealed carry of a loaded weapon for self defense so you have a lot more rights when it comes to self defense.


Thank you. It's unfortunate that something as simple as self defense is being legislated into non-existence. I would hope that one day, people of reason will be elected into the Australian government to do a complete overhaul of the stupid laws and regulations just like Trump is trying to do in the US.

Information, those who control information distribution control the minds of all people.
Australia doesn't have the same population as the US, we are more likely to be victims of crime than the good Samaritans who stop crimes. We are getting larger amounts of gang violence in Melbourne and Sydney. The Australians aren't that violent, we just do drugs and chill. But the people who go out and steal, rape, engage in home invasions, bash people in the street, etc. They are the gangs. Most notably the APEX gang formed from African migrant youths. Their parents are working hard to provide a future for them and all they can do is commit crimes in the streets for fun. The more of them we accept without proper integration, the worse the problem will become.

Because Africa isn't Australia and I don't want their problems to become our problems.
My nation an the US are the 2 last large nations on earth which have a chance at a free society but the difference is we are both losing the fight. America has a good chance at recovery, but Australia's future is uncertain.


Diabhal is a radical leftist. Just ignore the smuck.


I know. He sent me a few abnormal nonsensical comments in one of my other posts and I am beginning to seriously question his mental state.

Like, the comments just had nothing to do with what we were discussing. Like if I asked "what are you doing tomorrow?" he'd say "tumbleweed"

I've only known 1 person who would do things like that and he was on psychological medication at the age of 12.


NRA supporters are a smaller group than common sense gun law supporters but they are very vocal. It's sort of like our odious POTUS * - not very smart but very noisy, so they get a lot of undeserved attention.

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 17, 2018

Trolls seem to be everywhere.

Donna Level 6 Mar 17, 2018
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