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Good idea!

Merrydelight 7 Mar 28
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Lets see if I understand this: girl gives weird boy some sex. Weird boy likes it, wants more. Girl now has stalker. Girl asks authorities for help, Authorities explain that it is her fault for being a whore.

Yuppp. Got it. Sounds like working-as-intended.


I think you need to look at this from a Hustler magazine parody. Humor by being as offensive as possible.

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

Sounds like an offering of girls as sacrifice to boys - just to stop boys from becoming shooters.

What side of the political divide would find this "joke" funny?

And what exactly is the joke here? What is the punch line? What is the satirical message? Indulge me. Explain the joke.

SamKerry Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

Ask any freshman kid in High School. I'm pretty sure they could explain it to you .

@Merrydelight Why can't you? Explain the joke, that is. Not the sex acts. But the joke. The punch line. The satirical message. I was trying to make a point while being obtuse.

So let me be clear:

1: Either this is a joke. And therefore, there's gotta be a punch line. Or this is satire. In which case, there's got to be an underlying message that is ironic to the joke.

And because you posted, you gotta know. Otherwise, why post it? Unless ...

2: you meant it as stated. And therefore you have no punch line to it. And you have no ironic message for it.

I have to ask, which of the two above was your intention?

This is probably going to sound very clinical and nerdy, but I think the point of the joke is exaggeration and possibly parody of the Walk Up Not Out movement. Yes, it's sexist and crude. I think that's part of the point.

For a more serious deconstruction of the Walk Up Not Out movement, check out this article by a girl who tried to be nice to Nikolas Cruz: []

@ejbman @seeker55 The point I'm trying to make here is that this meme has crossed the line for me.

I know of the #walkUpNotOut movement. And I know of the 2015 Bill Maher's deconstruction of most of the mass shooters: they need to get laid. The sticking point for me in this meme is that the onus is on the girl to offer herself up. And not for the boy to woo the girl for sex. I care less about how crude the language was. It was the underlying message the stuck out to me.

I've shared Bill Maher's video on this site here several times already. Jump to about the 2min mark for Maher's comments on mass shooters.

@Seeker55 What you described is not satire. Satire is the ironic message that is behind the statement. What you described is not ironic to "...find the weirdest kid in your class and give them some ass...". What you described is the literal meaning of the meme - in less crude ways.

@ejbman spot on

@Seeker55 Exactly

@Merrydelight You failed to answer my questions. Can't argue for your own claims?

You failed to see that I agree with the idea of the claim but disagree with the how it was stated.

Boys will definitely be too distracted if they can have sex. But the onus is on them to find that release - not for girls to whore themselves up.

Some people's hang-ups on sex, masturbation, etc. is the problem. Without a stigma on those, boys will satisfy their needs just as well - without the need to put the onus on girls to use their "cooter to stop a shooter".

@SamKerry I'm not taking the bait


Haha wow.

Lancer Level 7 Mar 28, 2018
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