7 10

Yay!!! I hope there is a domino effect from Maryland.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules
In a 10-4 ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, said that 45 kinds of assault weapons banned under Maryland law aren't protected by the Second…


AwarenessNow 8 Apr 1
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A lot of the liberal judges believe it’s ok to have laws banning you from having any guns in your own home. They don’t even believe the 2nd amendment gives private citizens the right to have firearms. So what else is new. When you start banning guns just because of they’re appearance like they have done in the past you are going down a slippery slope But the US Supreme Court right now with its conservative majority does believe the 2nd amendment gives private citizens the right to have arms and since they are the highest court in the land that’s what counts. @Lancer

Trajan61 Level 8 Apr 3, 2018


kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 2, 2018

...And Maryland was one of the original Thirteen Colonies, so "suck it" poseur "Johnny-come-lately" pretender states!!! ?

randy2084 Level 5 Apr 2, 2018

The disarmament has begun. I won't be surprised when the taxes go up, the crime gets worse, the ethnic gangs start growing and the economy starts plummeting. The US still has century or two before complete disarmament and the countdown has begun. Thanks for following in the footsteps of us other western nations.


Lancer Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

There is a big difference between disarmament and not allowing certain weapons to be sold!

You clearly don't understand how to apply historical knowledge of the past.
If you ban 1 gun you poke a hole in the damn, it may not be broken today but it will be broken in the future. Complete disarmament is not a possibility and is preferred by all liberal governments.

Yes, you've only tried to ban 1 type of gun. You've overrided the 2nd amendment, which means any of the amendments of the constitution are now "subject to editing" including the 1st amendment.

1930's Germany
China under Mao
Russia under Stalin
Cuba under Fidel Castro

Pretty much any real dictatorship in history. Have you missed the last century of dictators and wars?

sure, but crimes in those countries are getting worse. The citizens are losing their rights and their lives because they've been disarmed. There are Australians leaving their homes because they've been attacked by aggressive migrants. Sweden, Germany the UK and Canada are all under the same threat. They are all democracies yet for some reason they are failing and their people are being savagely attacked.

We are treated like 2nd class citizens in our own countries. They silence us, they let us get beaten, they make self defense illegal. How long until the US follows suit?

FACT. The right and the ability needed for self defense is important. My friend was robbed at gunpoint, there were 3 AUTOMATIC machine pistols found a suburb away from me. The criminals are armed. I live in a "gun free country" where we have "common sense gun laws" and you know what? They don't work, the government has hidden our mass shootings, hidden our crime and rejected our pleas for safety. We have people arming themselves with knives, cricket bats and crossbows because we fear for our lives.

The UK has terrorism, acid attacks, knife attacks, etc. Get it through your head that criminals don't value your lives or the lives of the innocent people they attack. Violence is getting worse and the only solution is allowing people to defend themselves yet you won't even allow that.


Good point. The liberals don’t want to allow private citizens the right of self defence. Hell most of the liberals are adamantly against concealed carry of loaded firearms even though there have been virtually no problems with concealed carry holders.

It's all part of the left wing extremist indoctrination that children undergo in schools. If it sounds scary or has a gun in it then it must be dangerous according to their propaganda.

The entire #Marchforourlives event was funded by democrats, organised by liberal teachers and televised repeatedly by the liberal mainstream media. NOT A SINGLE Counter protester was interviewed, no one covered the abuse the counter protesters received, including the physical assault against them from the left liberal shit headed emotional kids. NONE.

When your media silences specific voices on purpose you really need to ask if your ideals are the right ones. Yes it'd be ideal to live in a world where no body got shot or killed or raped or bashed. But face it, that's the world we live in. You have a much greater chance of surviving if you wear a bulletproof vest and carry a firearm. But people just don't like that idea because they've been indoctrinated with weak liberal principles.

There are some things I'm liberal on. Gay marriage is fine as long as they don't force a priest to do it, People should be allowed to use recreational drugs as long as they do it responsibly and don't harm anyone else. But when you openly go out and ask to become a victim, that's where I draw the line.


It's called reality. Not propaganda. I can see how you would get those two confused though.


Has the pendulum begun its swing towards sanity?


Great news!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 2, 2018

Woot woot!

BeeHappy Level 9 Apr 2, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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