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I think this post is kind of eye opening.

AntaresRose 8 Apr 7
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Could not agree more.

Cyleroy Level 3 Apr 7, 2018

Demonizing law abiding citizens. I never thought you could be called a D-bag for exercising the rights awarded to you for being a productive member of your own society.

Sounds quite cannibalistic in nature to turn against the good people because of the actions of the bad ones.

Lancer Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

That’s what the liberals are intent on doing, demonizing law abiding citizens because of the actions of a few bad ones!

In the current political climate, it's currently "tit-for-tat", I think. No point in complaining about demonisation of either side 'coz both sides do it.

Fair enough. To be honest the conservatives are trying to keep things the same and the liberals are trying to change things rapidly with lots of radical views and widespread use of violence.

I personally detest the use of violence, I'm a pacifist. Because I'm an all or nothing type of guy. I either don't fight or I fight to neutralize the threat. There is no middle ground.

@Trajan61 Mass slaughter of school children should NOT be acceptable from anyone, even if it is just a few. A military assault rifle can get off 150 rounds a minute. That is a gun for war. Unless you are being attacked by an army, a standard rifle will protect you. especially with some good training on how to hit your target. Nothing condones being able for any one individual to open fire in a random public situation just because they are having a bad day. Time we face reality. In this area, our constitution is obsolete. Our forefathers had not the comprehension of something like an AR15. As I said before, had they had them in the days we fought for our Independence, you would not have them now.

@SamKerry Oh boy, let's all run to Walmart and buy us an assault rifle. Then we can just go around shooting each other all day until everyone is gone. Yep, that is real tit for tat. Thanks be we have some logical people running around to patch the others up and bury the dead.

Trolling again.

lol... Lancer, think it through. What do you believe those freaks are doing? Do you really believe they have any sort of military presence? Any ability to wage war? Any ability to understand and carry out orders? Do you believe they can even take care ofd their weapons in battle conditions? Are you seriously suggesting they are in any way a militia????

@GipsyOfNewSpain rotflmao

I never said they were the militia because a militia is every able bodied citizen in the area who is capable of fighting to protect their people, property and livelihoods.

However the constitution states that the "right of THE PEOPLE" as in all Americans. Will be permitted to bear arms in order to maintain a free state.

Just chill. Neither your people nor mine should be changing anything. The constitution was the document outlining the rights of citizens in that nation. If the current citizens dislike that nation then they should leave. That's how things have always been. You can move, save up some money and jump on a plane to fly to another country where you would have applied to migrate to.

@Lancer "Amendments" are called "Amendments" for a reason.

@BettyColeman "tit-for-tat" in regards to the practice of demonising, degrading, debasing, disrespecting, etc.

Both sides call the other names, stereotype the other, mock the other, etc.

I'm just calling out the irony of a gun-rights supporter complaining about a gun-control supporter with "...Demonizing law abiding citizens. I never thought you could be called a D-bag for exercising the rights awarded to you for being a productive member of your own society..."

Just because both sides do it doesn't make it right.
I just think that there's a very real threat of tyranny in the next few centuries. Just look at what you tube is doing by censoring specific people.

There is a disarmament agenda and it is dangerous.

I suppose. I just worry for the law abiding citizens in poor neighborhoods who will be murdered as a result of disarmament. The young children who will never make it to school because they were shot in their houses by the criminals who don't care about the value of life.

@Lancer YouTube is a private company. They can remove or censor whichever user they wish from their platform.

I think the First Amendment rights of free speech only applies to government institutions. Any other entity, person or corporate, can turn-off, shut-down, and not listen to whomever is speaking without violating the First Amendment.

Also, I think you've confused your "disarmament agenda" theory with the agenda of every citizen to minimise that the possibility of children and the innocents from getting murdered by terrorist individuals or groups.

I've got a few questions about your "disarmament agenda":
1: When did it start? Trump's era? Obama's era? Bush's era? Look at gun sales during those two presidencies. If the government really had an agenda, don't you think they would have enforced it?
2: How is it going? Have there been a decrease or increase of gun sales and gun-related violence in the U.S.? What's the trend?
3: Who is running the agenda? Trump's government? Hillary? Obama? The NRA? Alex Jones? Hannity? CNN? Koch brothers? Soros? Or is it the people?

I understand youtube is a private company. I just thought they might have some basic courtesy towards it's users. Treating them like retarded children who can't filter information is quite insulting.

I realize they are not violating the 1st amendment.

Disarmament has been happening since the dawn of time. Certain societies didn't want weapons to be widely available because slaves might use them to free themselves. Or defend themselves. Many people have been disarmed with the intent of turning them into victims throughout history. Revolutions were fought using weapons, weapons aren't the problem. The people using them are.

As for when it started for guns, that'd be after the colonial expansion era, so modernized industrial era of 1950's onwards most likely. Gun sales don't have anything to do with the agenda, it is the psychological reprogramming of people to hate and detest firearms which has become very prevalent in the most recent generations of young people.

The agenda is for people to become equally defenseless. Just look at the UK or AUS, people are not allowed to defend themselves because the law will work against them if they "go too far" in defending themselves. It is a left wing liberal agenda. Perpetuated by liberal school teachers and professors who dislike violence. That's fine, I don't mind others being victims. But when these mindless husks start trying to change the laws to make me and my descendants into victims, that's when I draw the line. Live however you want to live but don't force me to live the way you do. That's the bottom line.

@Lancer I think either (1) the disarmament agenda doesn't exist or (2) is failing in the US.

There are more raw numbers of guns in public circulation than any other time in the US. There are also way more raw numbers of innocent deaths by gun violence in US soil than in any other countries.

I really think you need to grow up if you are that afraid of the government - who by the way are on your side. The US, UK and AUS have conservative governments. It doesn't make sense that you fear them.

Irrational fear is driving you. Think again.


That's why they don't want assault weapons banned. They will never be able to get it up again!

wowspring Level 6 Apr 7, 2018

Soooo true!


I think it is pretty self explanatory.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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