8 5

Why is it that you don't see the arguements to regulate guns a kin to cars in mainstream debate?

I think it makes alot of sence. Required education to get permitted, periodic repermitting, registration of the item in question (gun or car).

Doing this you can keep people who are responsible being able to have guns and you know where they go and can even put laws into effect with the tracking of fire arms. But doing something along these lines you could even make an arguement that you could allow a broader line of weapons available to people of they are willing ro to through the permitting process.

Standard long guns bolt or lever action, and pumpaction shot guns. Those most common kn hunting and sport.

A handgun permitting and permitting for semi auto long guns.

I know NRA and shut and there are systems that would have to be put into place but I think this is the best work around. But I largely disagree with outright bans all together. You create a black market that you have zero eyes on.

Rams91 4 Apr 16
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Because cars are an active threat. Guns are not. You get a licenses to drive not own. Plus guns kill almost zero compared to cars even when guns are actively being used.

In 2015, CDC statistics put Motor Vehicle Traffic Deaths and All Firearm Deaths almost equal. 36,161 vs 36,252. Firearm Deaths were slightly higher.


Before they started tracking car crash statistics and putting more regulation on cars the auto industry fought back claiming that is isn't cars that kill people but bad drivers.

The regulations helped bring safety improving systems to cars, track troubled areas and make sure people that shouldn't drive aren't.

There are alot of parallels between these two. Should they be done 100% the same no but it is a general template that has been shown to work.


Lots of good ideas. What I do not understand is why no one has looked around the rest of the world and gathered up the "It-works" ideas from the many places that are sane.

You do understand that most the world can ban guns because America doesn't?

@SteelGreeseIPA No. I neither believe that nor understand why anyone would believe that. It's an absurd notion.


Nra is not interested in anything that puts a limit in your comsumption of firearms and ammo.


I agree, but I see the only way to do this is one thing at a time. I was after everything at first, training, license, background, it's to much, it's confusing, and there are people out there that don't want to give up one bullet. So, I took it down to one thing. Banning assault weapons, it's the area that the most innocent people are being killed by crazy assholes. The only way I see to get this done, is one thing at a time.

MikeFlora Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

It was on my Facebook feed recently
So it is gaining credibility

Gripster31 Level 5 Apr 16, 2018

All of the above, license and insurance too, so if you do damage with your gun, you pay for it.

nvrnuff Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

That's what the laws are now. It actually one of the fundamentals of American political philosophy.....Property Right.

@SteelGreeseIPA You're welcome to troll elsewhere.


You can't have grenades, rocket launchers, or lots of other weapons. Why should assault style weapons be any different? They serve no practical purpose. If someone wants to shoot them, they could rent them at a gun range, no problem. And the black market already exists, wouldn't be creating anything new.

nvrnuff Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

Well I ultimately agree with you if was a thought I had to help bring those more right on this issue into the conversation.

With blackmarkets. They are built on the backs of prohibitions and if there is a legal means to obtain something they will heavy limit these regardless of difficulty. And if you have to register guns and report them stolen or the sale of them in under risk of losing permitting that removes slot of the stock that could be used for illegal activity and increases the cost for what would still be available.

Are you able to define an "assault style weapon"?

@SteelGreeseIPA Not taking the bait Hoss.


Yeah I've had a very similar thought.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 16, 2018
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