Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology

A place to share positive current relevant posts of ongoing or new trends towards Planet Before Profit and Environmental Justice Activists with related issues to help aid awareness... (No we are not hiding from scientific or political facts- only we are not dwelling on doom-ism.)

A place to share positive current relevant posts of ongoing or new trends towards Planet Before Profit and Environmental Justice Activists with related issues to help aid awareness... (No we are not hiding from scientific or political facts- only we are not dwelling on doom-ism.)

Most Viewed Posts By kmaz (34) Posts by members only

Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Apr 22, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by LetzGetRealSticky
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it ("PERSONAL EFFECTS", 5ft x 7ft 8", detail, charcoal on paper), ©LaurieLipton
General Forum
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
It helps my head to find at least one thing a day which is significant towards positive, meaningful change... (Sigh). We KNOW we are in trouble. YET, we also know there are people on this planet who care about climate justice and more... This URL ...
Shared from News & Links
Apr 22, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
It is a start...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Jul 5, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
This is a worthy life's ambition, indeed.
1 comment
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 5, 2018May 2018

Posted by LeighShelton
Great idea as the eco-system is in so much trouble because of human population and greed.
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Apr 28, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by RRRRComposer
Is that burger more important than the rest of the planet?
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Apr 28, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
Be clear, this is 98% of precisely what is considered to be the NEW power sources, in the first two months of 2018. Good news, yet so much more to be done, as well! ...
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Aug 20, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
Why go to the plastic, make it come to us, INDEED!
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
Who do you contribute to for the Environment; what groups if any...? If you can or you do, it is IMPORTANT to do one's homework. IE: "The Wilderness Society" has a credit card offer with Bank of America. Can you say CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Pardon ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 23, 2018May 2018

Posted by Alvingo1
Brilliant ‘National Geographic’ Cover Is Getting High Praise as One of Its Best Ever
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Jun 26, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Brunnion
Urgent Request Hi All, I've discovered the thousands of incredibly unique native plants in the south west of Australia. The area is known to scientists as a biodiversity hotspot. One of very few in the world! Unfortunately, not everyone ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Mar 2, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by altschmerz
I'd like to discuss the proposed New Green Deal: I’d like to address the ecological aspects of the manifesto. Building resiliency against climate change related disasters by leveraging funding and providing ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Feb 15, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by girlwithsmiles
A whole heap of children skipped school today in the UK to let the Country know how important addressing Climate Change is. One young person interviewed said that as they don't get to vote she felt this was the best way to let the Government know how...
1 comment
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Nov 25, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
This came to me from FB, will copy URL to share the video from there yet will fill in a few more details. I know 2041 sounds like a long way off... I hope we make it as a thriving species; he is right, we must enlist the youth. ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 12, 2018May 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
Portland has been a step ahead in environmentally concerns more than once in recent decades!
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Aug 10, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by shebaloney
Hi folks. Glad to see this group. I'm starting over at age 50 after leaving my husband. I'd like to start a new career (50 is the new 40, right?) and I think it needs to be in one of the fields pertaining to sustainability. My local community college...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Nickbeee
First baby UK Grass Snake of the Spring woooooooooo
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 14, 2018May 2018

Posted by MikeFlora
We can talk about it until we are in the face, it's not going to change anyg. We are notorious for lousy voter turn out. I k we need to come up with a way to get people to the polls. Do that and I k the rest will take care of itself. Trump at best ...
Shared from Politics
Sep 10, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by hankcalifornia
Me, the "Moby Dick" and a Zodiac, Me at the Greenpeace, Los Angeles, Canvas Office, and all of us at the March on Washington, with Greenpeace, and 500,000 of our friends,10 days after Bush Sr. Started the Wars over Oil, and 1 picture, from the same ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Jul 27, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by JackPedigo
The planets resources are being outstripped by overpopulation - business section of the Seattle Times . Why am I concerned? A recent issue of the Humanist magazine highlighted 5 activist Black women. One woman, Bridgett ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by girlwithsmiles
Has anyone heard of The Ocean Foundation? Apparently some Kenyans are turning old flip flops into lovely bright sculptures:
1 comment
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Aug 28, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
One of the most obvious issues with our suffering ecology are water shortages, whether it be due to overbuilding waste or pollution, or manufacturing pollution and waste, or climate change depleting water for indigenous creatures. Here is one man who...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Feb 27, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Denker
Plyscrapers ahoy... story about more environmentally friendly alternatieve to concrete making an entrance.
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Aug 20, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Justjoni
Heading down to Sacramento early tomorrow for a direct action. Civil disobedience sit-in protesting Governor Brown’s hypocrisy, talking up proactive policies on climate change, while giving Carte Blanche to the fossil fuel industry in the state. ...
1 comment
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 8, 2018May 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
Have any of us been able to forget Flint Michigan? HARDLY, LIKELY... Is there hope?

Photos 49 More

Posted by kmazfrom a french artist, fabrien barrau

Posted by KilltheskyfairyPlease spend 3 minutes reading this note from William Shatner, the actor from Star Trek: “Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDon’t blame me! I voted for Gore! (and Kerry, and Clinton, etc.)

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDon’t blame me! I voted for Gore! (and Kerry, and Clinton, etc.)

Posted by AnonySchmooseAchieving Climate Change Mitigation in the Forest Sector | Frontiers Research Topic

Posted by AnonySchmooseVisualizing the Quantities of Climate Change – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Posted by LetzGetReal In “Mermaid” BENJAMIN VON WONG created a scene using 10,000 donated USED plastic bottles then photographed it from overhead.

Posted by AnonySchmooseThe Search for Planet-Friendly Protein | Yes! Magazine

Posted by AnonySchmooseThe Search for Planet-Friendly Protein | Yes! Magazine

Posted by AnonySchmooseWill protecting 30 percent of Earth prevent the extinction crisis? | Science News

Posted by LetzGetRealHi ALL, Been away, lots to do in my real life community, plus family issues in the states were pressing.

Posted by Heidi68Truth from a boy and his tiger

Posted by Heidi68They knew at the beginning of the last century. Just think if we had listened & work toward change starting back then

Posted by JoeBUnexpectedly large herd of Elephants sighted in Borno State, .

Posted by MsAlIts been raining all winter here in Michigan and Im finding it hard to avoid politics by talking about the weather.

Posted by djs64Happy and sad.

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