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Who are your favorite authors? And please recommend books!

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 26
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Love the science fiction original "big three":
Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, Heinlein (although I have found Heinlein to be too misogynistic sometimes).
Ray Bradbury, Also Frederick Pohl, Zelazney. Pretty much anyone on this list:
Reading The Expanse right now and enjoying it. Just finished Day of The Triffids - it was really good. For lit Dostoyevsky is my favorite, The Idiot my favorite novel

towkneed Level 7 Mar 25, 2019

Asimov is great

I just finished watching the tv series adaptation of The Expanse. I'm sure the book has more offer, but how does it hold up in your opinion?

@Chachie It's good so far. I also saw the show first.


If you're looking for a fun read, l would suggest Miles Cameron's Traitor Son Cycle. There are five books in the series.

Jacknonmo Level 3 Mar 20, 2019

I read everything by Stephen King. Robert Jordan, Frank Hubert, Issac Asimov, Heinline. Read all of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time (13 books).

bdsox Level 2 Mar 12, 2019

Like Detritus , I love Sir Terry Pratchett , I'm especially taken by his witch series of the Disc world . Have also enjoyed Heinline 's Lazurus series (the family) , Issac Asimov , Ursla K. LeGuin , Andre' Norton , Mercedes Lacky , and so many others .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

The list needs Sir Terry Pratchett. His discworld series is da bomb. Any of the 40 or so volumes will get you hooked, but I recommend for this group “Small Gods” and “Science of Discworld: Judgement Day”.

Detritus Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

I’ll make a short list

Iain m banks : any of the culture series
Roger zelazny: lord of light, any of the Amber books
Jack vance: any
Frank Herbert: the Dune books
Gene Wolfe: start with shadow of the torturer and go from there
Alistair Reynolds: revelation space, chasm city
Richard Morgan: altered carbon

Denker Level 7 Nov 28, 2018

Heinlein: Time Enough for Love

My favorite book EVER.

Dangrenade Level 6 Nov 27, 2018

Craig Schaefer - His Danial Faunst urban fantasy series is one of my favorites. Also a very prolific author who publishes about three books per year.

Benedict Jacka - The Alex Verus urban fantasy series is very enjoyable.

Michael J Sullivan - He writes several fantasy series though his science fiction novel Hollow World was excellent.

Peter Clines - His Ex-Heroes series is a fun mix of superheros and zombie apocalypse. Also 14 and The Fold are very good.

Dan Wells - His John Cleaver series is quite enjoyable. It centers around a teenager who hunts serial killers who are actual monsters. Hollow City is good though it's not really science fiction or fantasy.

Patrick Lee - His books are techno-thrillers. He's only written 5 books so far.


Cecelia Holland- Floating Worlds. I think it was her only science fiction novel. I really loved this one.

Arttoa Level 5 Nov 26, 2018

Here's my vague list of authors. Really any book from these folks is good, so I'll not list the books here:

Iain Banks
Roger Zelazny
JRR Tolkien
Julian May
Nancy Kress
Robert Heinlein
Daniel Keyes Moran
Mary Gentle
Dan Simmons
Michael Crichton
Steven King (not really scifi but some of his stuff is speculative)
David Brin
Greg Bear
CS Lewis - fantasy and yes I realize he was a fundamental Christian
JK Rowling (again not scifi but I bet she could write some amazing stuff)
John Varley


Asimov for Sci-fi. You can start with the foundation series.
Or the robot series.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Nov 26, 2018
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