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This could be good advice IF only people would start to consider it by having it spread (by you?)

Use only advice from a science experienced person (doctor.therapist, relative, friend)whom you trust. 

Persist, and you will eventually be able to verify your conclusions yourself . In the mean time get someone else from your trusted science person list and help them to check that the right questions have been asked . Good LUCK but do not rely on it!

Mcfluwster 7 Aug 7
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I'd be more inclined to ask a farmer. Or a successful trades person. Scientist types tend to get tunnel vision on their own pet projects.
Ffs don't ask a priest!

puff Level 8 Aug 7, 2024

It is the science attitude which is important . NOT the occupation

Even some Science teachers and government Ministers of Science believe in god.

"science experienced person (doctor.therapist, relative, friend)whom you trust. ..". only mentioned an occupation because all doctors 

by law have to have science training. Pity it does not apply to therapists too!

@Mcfluwster. Thanks for your note. Messenger not working at times. Tried replying, but notes keep disappearing. ☹️

@Mcfluwster What you mean is the scientific method of discovery that is important. Totally agree. The word "science" is just Latin for "Knowledge".
Farmers, unconsciously, use the scientific method everyday ie observation, measurement and repeatable results.

@puff I agreee!!!!

@ThinkingFree YES BUT IN PRIVATE PLEASE that is what messaging id for???

In fact although I have nothing to hide I request that you delete your public message to me . Thanks !

@mcfluwster. Messenger not working !!

@ThinkingFree You deleted messages back of the original post . Click on the three lines and select the Bin and then click delete. After you do that I will delete the message `` am writing now

Messenger is a bad name for that service,

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